Monday, August 24, 2009


Christ died for all of us; believers (Christians) and non-believers. However, without putting our faith in Him, is doesn't do us any good. Just knowing what God did and that He exists will not get you into heaven. Even if you try to obey the ten commandments, or follow "the golden rule" (do unto others as you would have them do unto you.) The greatest question one could ask, is, "are you a good person." Most everyone you ask that to will say, "yes, I believe so. I try to do for others, I try not to cuss and hate. Yes, I think I'm a very good person compared to a lot of other people." However, we start going through the ten commandments by one. Your mind MIGHT change...just a little bit.

  • Have you ever stolen? Even something as simple as taking a cookie from the kitchen when you were little? If so, what does that make you? --- A theif ---
  • Have you ever lied? Even just a little "white lie?" If so, that's makes you...a what? ---A liar---
  • Have you ever used God's name as a curse word, or a word to show your disgust with something? God says He will not hold a man guiltless that takes his name in vain (aka: cursing)
  • Have you ever killed anyone? Now wait, before you answer this question....God said if you hate your brother/neighbor, you've already murdered them in your heart. Have you ever hated anyone? If so, that makes you ---A murderer at heart---
  • Have you ever committed adultery? God says if you look at someone with lust, you've committed adultery with them already in your heart. Have you ever looked with lust? If so, you are: ---An adulterer at heart---
If you've done even just one of these...we all have...God says it's as if you've broken all of His commandments. Now, God IS a God of love, but He is also a pure and just God. On judgment day when you stand before Him, and He judges you by these laws that you've broken, would you be innocent, or guilty? Of course, we will ALL be guilty! We've all broken His laws! You might say, "But God wouldn't ever send people to hell. There are a lot of people who aren't that bad!" Think of it like this...there is a man who's murdered someone. He's broken the law, would you want the judge to send him to prison, or let him go...because "he's a good man in every other way, and he's promised to never do it again!" Of course, if the judge is just, he would do what's right, and send the man to prison. Well, we will all stand before God one day, and because we've broken GOD'S laws, we will all be unworthy of heaven. But think of it this way, a man comes in when you are about to be lead to be executed, and says, "I will take their place." That's just what Jesus did. when everyone in this world was bound for hell, eternal death, Christ stepped in and took our place. HE died, because he knew that to save us, there had to be blood shed. Someone had to die for all of the sin. So many people have watered the truth of the gospel down. They won't talk about God's awful, gruesome death. How He was beaten, spit upon, mocked...they just tell everyone God is love. Which also means they can't mention hell! If they did that, they'd offend some people, and the church numbers can't go down! Since when did people start wanting more numbers for their volleyball team than true to the heart believers? People don't even preach about repentance anymore. All they tell people, is that they have to say a little prayer, and they're home free! Heaven bound for eternity! Just, stop it. I know God has got to be SO SICK when He looks down at people making a TERRIBLE name for Him. All of these hypocrites out there, who only think of themselves, the money they will make, the number of Sunday-school attendants they can put up on the board. People get so antsy when they have to sit in church for an hour, the leave as quickly as possible afterwars, just so they can make the football game that's on in 10 minutes. No fellowship, no worship...definitely not the second! They're thinking the whole time, "the pastor had better not go over 12:00! I've got a game to watch." Either that or we're sitting thinking of everyone ELSE the sermon applies to...because "we're perfect." Since WHEN did Christians become so arrogant and prideful? WE didn't die on the cross. WE are not the perfect ones. WE are the sinners...the ones Christ died FOR. We deserve...nothing. We DESERVE eternal damnation. God was SO kind, and loving that He sent the most precious thing He had so that just a FEW people might get to receive His blessings. Just like a judge wouldn't throw a party for a murderer, God won't give us His gift for just living the kind of "good" we have come up with in our stupid heads. If that were the case, we could be as horrible as a murderer, but not murderer anyone, and we'd be better than him! That's how we silly humans think. As long as we're better than "_____" we're good enough to get to heaven. As long as we've "helped out others" we'll be sure to get into heaven! Heaven isn't some fairytale land. It's a place God has made for ONLY the ones who will take His gift...everyone else WILL go to hell. No matter how hard you try on your own, there is nothing you can do aside from repenting and putting your TRUST in Christ. NOTHING. We're so prideful, though, that we can't even admit we're wrong, that we've DONE wrong. Stop being so terribly prideful, and take a leap of faith! People don't realize the freedom they will feel. The life full of blessings they will get. No, becoming a Christian will in NO WAY make "life" easier. But, it will give you someone to trust in, that things have a reason for happening, and that God HAS a plan for your life. Otherwise, you will live each day lost, and always look for that something that makes you feel "whole." Jesus is THE way, THE truth, and THE light. No man comes to the Father but by Him."
For God (the greatest giver)
So loved (the greatest reason)
The world (the greatest number)
That he gave (the greatest gift)
His only son (the greatest cost)
That whoever (the greatest invitation)
Believes in him (the greatest condition)
Should not perish (the greatest guarantee)
But have everlasting (the greatest time)
Life (the greatest possession)

Think on it some. Are you living your life for YOU, or for HIM? Have you taken His gift, or left it to work your way to heaven? If it is the will be sadly disappointed when you're judged.

Law, or self contentment?

A guy is driving down the road, it's long and's alright to go over the speed limit because he couldn't hurt anyone...right? He goes faster, faster, and faster...that rush of speed is just amazing! He's totally caught up in the moment, then all of the sudden, he's gone further down the road than he'd planned, and a car is pulling out...he hits it. The person in the other car dies, he lives with injuries...but he now has the blood of another person on his hands. Was speeding worth it? His idea: that speeding was alright. Yet, he killed someone from his belief, instead of what the law said. There are a lot of laws...all given for our safety. Laws of man, and laws of God. Laws of man, sadly, are kept a lot more than the laws of God, even though they're all written on our hearts. Everyone knows that stealing, killing, and lying are wrong. While people do have to make their own decisions and find out what they believe, there are laws that tell us what's right and what's wrong. A lot of people seem to do things simply because everyone else is doing them. After that we say, "everyone is doing it, so it's normal" which makes it accepted by most people. If you don't "go with the flow" then you're considered an outcast. What is it that Christ told us? We're not to fit in with this world. If we didn't stand out, people wouldn't come and ask us what we have that makes us so different.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The wise old man

There was once a very wise old man who lived up in a mountain. Everyone in the village below knew he could answer any riddle you asked him. One day two young men decided they would try and trick the old man, so they could tell everyone they had outsmarted him. Their plan was to catch a bird, and as the man if the bird was alive, or dead. If the old man said alive, they would crush it... and kill it. If the old man said it was dead, they would let it go. Either way they'd win.

So, they went to the old man's house. When they asked him if their bird was alive or dead, the man was silent. He thought to himself, "If I say the bird is alive, they will kill it, if I say the bird is dead they will let it go. Either way they will win." He sat a moment longer, and then said, "The bird is, what YOU will it to be."

So often in life I think we all "will" our life to be the wrong thing. We either try to be "perfect" and are terribly shocked when we find out it's impossible, or we make excuses for living the wrong way. We have the ability to choose the right thing to our lives are, "what we will them to be." God cannot make our decisions for us. That's why there's so much evil in the world. He's given us the freedom to make every decision on our own...but, He does use the bad choices people make and turn them into good. We may not be able to see them right away, but He doesn't ever leave things just as "bad." Everything in life, sometime or another, will come back to glorify God. Always remember that. Would you like for your BAD decision to come back later and glorify God, or your GOOD decision to not only glorify God, but bless everyone else around you as well? Nobody can be perfect, but if we'd simply CARE about the things we choose to do, I think it would make a HUGE difference in not only OUR life, but others as well!

Long last

Well, I know I haven't written on awhile. Sorry about that. I just seem to be adding more and more to my life each month. School has started back, which means most of my day is now filled with reading. That's alright though, I love to learn. I am now doing a math program online, and it is SO awesome! The things God puts in our's just amazing. For YEARS I have had trouble with my school, and now I get so excited to learn simple things. God knew exactly what I needed, and provided it.

The things God has been doing in my family lately just blows me mind. SO many things have changed, spiritually and many other ways. I'm now doing things I never thought was possible. I am (don't laugh) going into stores by myself now, which was UNHEARD OF months ago, trying things I never would have tried, talking to people...long conversations, not hiding behind people. I don't think many people would recognize me now if they hadn't seen me in a long time. I still have my issues, but God is working wonders in my life, and I am SO blessed for the ones who've helped me through all of my fears.

I'm thinking about taking some college classes online later on...which is very new to me. Never in my life would have thought I would even THINK about that. Thinking about, maybe, starting a business one day; I have something in mind, just not sure about it yet. I am thinking (key word: thinking) about writing a book. Yes, me...the one who writes forever long...well, everything! =)

Each new day God brings yet another challenge, and yet ANOTHER blessing into my life, it's like my whole life is just overflowing with His love! I so wish people could get up the courage to take a leap of faith so they could have a life as wonderful as mine. In the meantime, I will just pray for them. For everything in life, God has a reason and a purpose. Nothing will be that God doesn't want. Learning patience is one of the hardest things in life, but God teaches it as we ask for it. Not before...because if we just want Him to give it to us, then we will be waiting forever. God doesn't give us everything we want, you know? Sometimes He makes us wait, and work for it! What better way is there to get patience than to make you WAIT?!

Ok, so I'm going to try and do better with writing on here. I just get so busy that I tend to forget about so many things that are important.

God bless, and have a GREAT night!

Some new pictures!