Ok, so I have had this one sentence stuck in my head for about 2 weeks now that I've been meaning to figure out a good post for. So, yesterday I sat and wrote a few pages of my own notes and maybe I can make some sense out of my thinking. :-)
I've recently come to the conclusion that the modern day church is a lot like our government. Don't understand? Here, let me show some examples:
- Promise to do/fix something, yet never fulfill
- Promise a better future for your kids (I think we've seen the results of this)
- Try and make everyone happy, yet fail to fix urgent problems among the people
- Spend money on things to please "wants" and not help with the "needs"
- Ignorance of major problems
If you just think about these things long enough, you will understand what I'm talking about. Oh dear, I almost forgot the one!
- Becoming strangers to God and his laws, so that He pours His wrath out on the people
The thing I find most disturbing about these issues, is the fact that so many people are constantly complaining about our corrupted government, yet we're mirroring it's actions (maybe not on that large of a scale) in our churches! People listen to the changes the government/church wants to make, and become excited about it all...who wouldn't want changes that will do some good, right? The issue here, is that these changes they are promising to make, have simply been "ideas" and so long as nobody does anything, that's all they will be...an idea of someone wishing for a better life. To make an idea a reality, you must work for it...more importantly, work together. Here is our problem: we've become lazy. That's the basic reason for most problems. Whether it's lazy in beliefs, work, prayer, love...for "change" to happen, there has to BE change among the people. It won't be easy, you may not like what you have to give up, but if the difference between, say, losing your child to the world or keeping them in a great relationship with Christ meant something as simple as getting rid of the TV, would you not do it in a heart beat? The church...people keep trying to make churches "family oriented" but it takes the cooperation of the FAMILIES to make that happen! You can't separate everyone into little rooms every gathering and expect the family to become stronger like so many churches are doing. You can have all the classes and "special teachings on family" that you want, but unless the family is learning together, those classes won't do one drop of good. Most people have hardened their hearts to being a
family and doing things together...because, everyone knows mom, dad, and little sister are annoying and embarrassing, right? It is so sad. Man, I just wish people knew everything that their family has done for them. There are families who wish to raise a Godly family, then there are families who's desire is to fit into the world, make it into all of the "popular groups" and seem "normal" in the eyes of the world. Both side can claim to be Christians, but these two cannot mix. The second will drag your family down and apart, piece by piece, until you've lost everything you've valued. You know, I often wonder if parents actually make rules anymore; better yet, if parents even live by rules themselves! Me, I still don't know exactly what my actual personality is...I've been confused so long with who I should be, mostly from kids telling me what I NEEDED to be, and knowing what I SHOULD be. These past 6 months, however, have been life changing. I still don't know exactly everything about myself (I know, that sounds weird) but I DO know what I do NOT, under any circumstances, want to be! I'm at least thankful I know that much about my life. The Bible tells us, in Romans 12:2, "And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." If someone is visibly/openly living their life to "fit in" (or
please) the world, you can be sure they aren't thinking a thing about pleasing God, for the two cannot be reached at the same time; ever. I have seen so many churches that have gotten so "grow crazy" (wanting people to join the church more than anything) that the actual
church is drying; spiritually drying, being suffocated from the teaching of God's word. Sure, they've got 1,000 attendance in Sunday school, but it can't be called a church anymore, it's just a building where people happen to gather on Sunday.
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