Monday, June 8, 2009

Unconditional love

God's unconditional love is one of the most amazing things ever. When HUMANS think of love (whether it's spouse, friendship, etc) we tend to use money when we talk about it. Don't think so? Do these sound familiar?

"I value our friendship"
"I owe you one"
"You're priceless"
"I'm ready to invest more into our relationship"

We say these things without a second thought. However, the simple act of saying them is almost like unknowingly telling others and ourselves that love is something we expect something back from. God loved us since before we were born...yet when someone doesn't do something we want them to do, we get mad and that anger turns to hate. Seriously...we should love EVERYONE whether they love us, hate us, are mean to us or whatever! The Bible says that if we only love those who love us, we are no better than the rest of the world. Marriages and friendships are being broken because people nowadays are going into them thinking every drop of love they give, they will receive twice as much back. Unconditional love is the kind of love where you CHOOSE to love someone, not do it for something in return. It's just so sad to see people not give the love they are given by God. It's like we think we're here for the receiving line, and not the giving line. People say they love someone, but it's only for a short time, because of the way the world has been only love someone if you can get something out of the relationship. God has CHOSEN to love us, it's not something that was forced upon Him...and it should not be something that we think we HAVE to do. If that's what we think, we don't really love anyone.

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