God, You are all I have. You are faithful and true. Thank You God.
You are the maker. You made the heavens, the trees, the flowers, and the birds. You made me my family and friends, You made everyone important to me. Thank You God.
You are my provider. You give me freedom and peace. You give me a hiding place. You give me a rock to stand on. You give me life. Thank You God.
You are my deliverer. You are my strength when I am weak. My refuge when I am afraid. You are my joy when I am sad. You are my hope when all is lost. My light amidst the darkness. Thank You God.
I worship You my God. I raise my hands to You my King. I shout to you my Lord. I cry to You my Savior. I praise You my Creator. I sing to You Almighty. Because of who You are, I give thanks.
Scripture is clear that the lives of believers should be characterized by joy, contentment, and gratitude. Though we do encounter difficult trials and situations consistently, we must be disciplined to thank God and know that He will sustain us.
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