I've heard some Christians ask, "Have you ever wondered if there is a God? I know it's wrong. But...have you ever just sat and thought about it?"
It's something that, even a strong Christian, thinks about. But you have to keep that faith you've held on to for so long. We will NEVER be able to comprehend God. Who He is, how He's done things, how long He's been around....the human mind simply cannot comprehend God. The more you try to figure everything out, the more confused you will become. Just remember: we're humans. God is God. There is no way, ever, we can understand Him. But the whole "faith" thing, is real. God IS out there. You can know this by seeing everything around you. Every creation has a creator. The earth has a creator, and it's God. There is solid proof. And not so solid; such as miracles worked in people's lives. You simply have to trust. It's not a "blind faith" if you trust someone to light your path. This question comes around when you begin to doubt everything you've been through with God. Everyone who's gone through that leap of faith, and put it in Christ, they HAVE a transformation story. They KNOW there's a difference. God works miracles, big and small... sometimes unnoticed things in our life...yet we try to push them off as "coincidences" or...I don't know, something. Any excuse we can think of. We say "well, I've never seen a miracle, like, a real one. I just don't see God working in my life like that." So, being alive, that's not a miracle? So many people die, thinking they'd live to be at LEAST 60 or so....some people die at age 20, 15, or even before they've had a chance to enter the world. God has given you the miracle of LIFE! He's given you a family. Friends. With so many people not having each of those things, they're not only blessings, but miracles! Especially to other people out there who don't know what it's like to have anything but hate thrown at them. God brings people through anything...just always pray about the things you're having difficulties with. He's always there to listen, trust me. I've had a HUGE miracle worked through one of my friends these past few months. It is so amazing....the differences. The complete change. The amazing person they've become...and to see them continue to grow just makes me thank God everyday for THAT miracle. God is there. He DOES work. Whether you choose to SEE the miracles and blessings He puts in your life; now that's a different story. I once saw a quote a blind man was holding written down on a piece of cardboard, on a movie, one time. "God closed my eyes, and now I can see." We may not all be literally blind, but we're all blind....so long as we choose to be. Sometimes, God has to "close our eyes" in order for us to see something. Sometimes He has to take something away for us to realize what we have. As the saying goes, "You never realize what you have until it's gone." People: family, friends. Things: a house, a car. Or maybe a job? What about money? You complain about not having any, when you have SOME. You continue to spend as if you have lots, yet keep complaining about the lack of it. One day, it's gone. You didn't know HOW much of it you had, until you had nothing. One of my favorite verses is "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." In all things, KNOW God is working through your life. KNOW He's there. KNOW He's still in charge. KNOW He is alive, who He says He is, and that He will always bless us even when we don't deserve it. Miracles are everywhere. How many have you not given God credit for?
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