Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Go To God

Sometimes I wonder if Christians value God, even close to the amount that they value other things in their life.

There are so many things that take our attention and love away from Christ, but a few are:
-Our house
-Items bought

I could go on, but you get the gist.

The question that's come to my mind, is: where do we place God's value? Is it before, or after our house, car, and job? How many times a day do you stop and talk to God? Compare to how many times a day you clean your house, drive your car, and think of work...all without a single thought of your heavenly Father.

It has become so incredibly easy to just go with the flow of life. Someone wants to have you over? Sure! Your kids want to go hang out with friends? Sure! Your favorite movie is on? "Oh, we've GOT to watch that!" How many times a day do you see your Bible sitting on a table, your bed, or a shelf? Do you ever think "Goodness, I need to spend some time with the Father!"? When you're having a hard day, do you go straight to comfort of friends, TV, or a good snack? Or do you take your problems to the One who can 'really' fix them?

We say we have put Christ as the head of our lives, but dig deep; have we really? Is He REALLY who we call in our time of trouble, stress, and despair? Do we go to Him as a last resort, when everything else has failed us? I pray that is not the case. I know many times in my life I've done that. Thank the Lord I have friends who will actually point me TO Him instead of trying to comfort me on their own. If we could only keep in our minds the peace, comfort, and joy we get from talking with Christ. The feeling of fulfillment when we put Him as the head of our lives. Knowing we don't need to worry about our life when we have put everything in HIS hands.

I've heard an advertisement for a company that says, "Life comes at you fast." That's true, but God's reflexes are quick enough to catch life when it tries to hit us with all kinds of things that may cause us to worry or fear.

So, with all of that said, I will end with this. We shouldn't say "When all else fails, go to God" We should simply say "Go to God" and leave it at that.

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