I was reading a book my friend let me borrow, and came across this sentence, which the author (A.W. Tozer,) heard during a sermon once in his life:
"Listen to no man who fails to listen to God."
There are so many things that could be said about that one short quote. But for the time being, I'll focus on one. The one which is clearly visible by a short glance at the words.
In I Kings 12, it talks of Rehoboam taking over his fathers throne. The elders, wise men, told him what they thought he should do, that he should be kind to the people, so they would not rise up against him. He discarded their advice, and went to the young men, his friends, and asked their opinion...he ended up using what they said to rule the people, instead of the elders. The people indeed were unhappy with the king, and rebelled.
How often do we go to stronger, wiser Christians for their opinion on a certain matter, then, because they didn't advise us to do what we "wanted" to do, we went to our friends, less mature, not as wise, and more likely to give advise we WANT to hear. Goodness, it's not excluding me either, I'm ashamed to say I've done things like that through my life. My point being, God gives wisdom to those who listen to Him, and obey Him. Those who forsake Him won't have that wisdom we need when problems arise.
God has set people above us, He has given us parents, grandparents, elders, pastors, etc as people to go to for advice in situations. We have so many people who are willing to take time and help us when we need it, but we MUST go to them first, and listen to their advice. That doesn't always mean follow it, but, definitely think long about what they've said. Take what you can learn from the conversation and pray about it. God will lead you in the right direction, even if, at the time, it seems difficult. He is there right behind you, and ready to keep you safe and going even in times of trouble.
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