Today was a little rough. I admit I was grumpy, a little down...ok, a lot down lol...and just altogether tired. That never makes for a good day. I would stop and try to take deep breaths, and pray for patience with people and things happening. I'd be ok for a while, then get down again.
Life is kind of tough sometimes. I think one thing in particular that I need to learn, is to go with the flow and not be so fearful. God never said life would be easy, He never said every day would be a piece of cake. He DID say, however, that He would ALWAYS be there when we needed someone to talk to or give up our worries to.
He's there. He can put peace in my heart, give me patience when I need it. I just have to make sure I don't give up the second those things are tested. Most of the time, I fail those tests...I give up the first thing that comes my way if I don't have someone to constantly keep me cheerful and not thinking about my problems.
"A Life of Faith." That's what I strive for. Every day, to be closer to my Jesus. To live a life of a Christian is to be "Christ like."
I was reading a book today that was talking about Moses coming down from the mountain, and the people saw his face glowing, and were very afraid. He didn't do something to them himself to put fear in their hearts. The glory of God shone in their hearts and made then afraid. I don't need to try to scare people by living a certain way to show my faith, I need to let CHRIST shine through me, that is a life of Christ. To die to myself, and let God be what is alive in me.
I pray every day that I will have the strength to overcome my fears, and draw closer to Christ. "With God, all things are possible."
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
God's blessings
This past year has been full of blessings. I serve an amazing God, let me tell you.
As I go through life, He is constantly surprising me, and giving me far beyond what I deserve. For instance, as of this past Tuesday, I am courting the most amazing guy. God doesn't owe me anything but death. For I am a sinner, and deserve the consequences of that title. But because of the gift of giving up His life and shedding His blood, I am able to have the joys of His love and kindness.
It's a new page of my life's book, and I'm so very excited! I pray daily to thank Him, ask for guidance, patience, and peace. Everything happens in God's time, not mine. But I must keep in mind that HIS timing is what's best for my life.
I can think back over my life and see things now, that I didn't see then, and say "wow, THAT'S why that happened!" At the present, we can get so confused and sometime angry with God for things that happen. However, we can also have patience with Him, and pray for understanding.
This is definitely an amazing blessing. One of the biggest ones I've ever received. My God is great, and SO worthy to be praised!
As I go through life, He is constantly surprising me, and giving me far beyond what I deserve. For instance, as of this past Tuesday, I am courting the most amazing guy. God doesn't owe me anything but death. For I am a sinner, and deserve the consequences of that title. But because of the gift of giving up His life and shedding His blood, I am able to have the joys of His love and kindness.
It's a new page of my life's book, and I'm so very excited! I pray daily to thank Him, ask for guidance, patience, and peace. Everything happens in God's time, not mine. But I must keep in mind that HIS timing is what's best for my life.
I can think back over my life and see things now, that I didn't see then, and say "wow, THAT'S why that happened!" At the present, we can get so confused and sometime angry with God for things that happen. However, we can also have patience with Him, and pray for understanding.
This is definitely an amazing blessing. One of the biggest ones I've ever received. My God is great, and SO worthy to be praised!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Lie of the worlds gospel
"We have taken the infinitely glorious Son of God, who endured the infinitely terrible wrath of God and who now reigns as the infinitely worthy Lord of all, and we have reduced Him to a poor, puny Savior who is just begging for us to accept Him. *Accept Him*? Do we really think Jesus needs our acceptance? Don't *we* need *Him*?"
The book "Radical" by David Platt
The whole second chapter of this book was inspiring and eye opening. We don't realize how watered down most presentations of the gospel are nowadays until you see all of them compared to the real gospel of the Bible. The fact that people think the gospel is a repeated prayer, to sign a card, or to act a certain way, to hear that is just so sad.
The wrath poured out on Christ, the blood's all forgotten or lost.
"The just and loving Creator of the universe has looked upon hopelessly sinful people and sent His Son, God in the flesh, to bear His wrath against sin on the cross..." (Radical)
David Platt talked about the amount of wrath God had...through the beginning of sin, all the anger towards sin God had, it was stored up, and poured out on His own Son. Think about it. We all know, whether we talk about it or not, how much God hates, despises, and loathes sin. Think about all of that wrath and anger, and He had to put it on His one and only Son.
People say that God turned His back on Christ, but in reality, He had to turn away, for He could not stand to see His son being tortured so. For what? More sinners. Us. People who are born with a hate for for God. People who treat Him like a toy, or a "Santa Clause" that, so long as we're good, He will give us gifts and bless us.
Even when we talk about God, we talk about the material things He's given us. Do we ever just say "I thank God for His sacrifice, and the blood He shed for such a sinner like me"? Rarely. We are so caught up in the worlds view of the gospel, and don't even try to correct it. How sad it must make our Father. To see such a sight as what He saw when Jesus was on the cross, and to see how we all treat the gift. We hear people tease about it, we see people use God as a tool for getting more and more...yet we keep silent.
Someday, we will all face Christ. We will all stand before Him and say "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Because of this false gospel, and Christians not living a life fully for God, but for "self" and "stuff" many will think they have what we have. Because of our lives and the way we live them, people will believed they're saved from God's wrath. How sad to think.
We think that God is begging us to come to Him, that He "needs" as many people as possible in heaven. How selfish. WE are the sinners. WE are the reason God had to suffer. God doesn't need us. He could kill us all now, not have to watch this sinful world anymore. Even though we are such filth and disgust that we should all go to hell, God still loves us. God wishes that all would come to Him, but He doesn't NEED us to. We need HIM. His love, His laws, His justice, peace, etc, etc.
We think we're good enough? Go through even one of the ten commandments. We fail miserably. Yet He still loves us. Now THAT is a God worthy to be praised.
Are we living for yourself? To have fun and "receive" things out of life? Or are we living for Christ? Willing to give up worldly comforts and the next great thing to live a life that will make people ask "what makes them different?" Are we willing to praise Him, even in the hard times" We should be able to say like Paul, "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord."
The book "Radical" by David Platt
The whole second chapter of this book was inspiring and eye opening. We don't realize how watered down most presentations of the gospel are nowadays until you see all of them compared to the real gospel of the Bible. The fact that people think the gospel is a repeated prayer, to sign a card, or to act a certain way, to hear that is just so sad.
The wrath poured out on Christ, the blood's all forgotten or lost.
"The just and loving Creator of the universe has looked upon hopelessly sinful people and sent His Son, God in the flesh, to bear His wrath against sin on the cross..." (Radical)
David Platt talked about the amount of wrath God had...through the beginning of sin, all the anger towards sin God had, it was stored up, and poured out on His own Son. Think about it. We all know, whether we talk about it or not, how much God hates, despises, and loathes sin. Think about all of that wrath and anger, and He had to put it on His one and only Son.
People say that God turned His back on Christ, but in reality, He had to turn away, for He could not stand to see His son being tortured so. For what? More sinners. Us. People who are born with a hate for for God. People who treat Him like a toy, or a "Santa Clause" that, so long as we're good, He will give us gifts and bless us.
Even when we talk about God, we talk about the material things He's given us. Do we ever just say "I thank God for His sacrifice, and the blood He shed for such a sinner like me"? Rarely. We are so caught up in the worlds view of the gospel, and don't even try to correct it. How sad it must make our Father. To see such a sight as what He saw when Jesus was on the cross, and to see how we all treat the gift. We hear people tease about it, we see people use God as a tool for getting more and more...yet we keep silent.
Someday, we will all face Christ. We will all stand before Him and say "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Because of this false gospel, and Christians not living a life fully for God, but for "self" and "stuff" many will think they have what we have. Because of our lives and the way we live them, people will believed they're saved from God's wrath. How sad to think.
We think that God is begging us to come to Him, that He "needs" as many people as possible in heaven. How selfish. WE are the sinners. WE are the reason God had to suffer. God doesn't need us. He could kill us all now, not have to watch this sinful world anymore. Even though we are such filth and disgust that we should all go to hell, God still loves us. God wishes that all would come to Him, but He doesn't NEED us to. We need HIM. His love, His laws, His justice, peace, etc, etc.
We think we're good enough? Go through even one of the ten commandments. We fail miserably. Yet He still loves us. Now THAT is a God worthy to be praised.
Are we living for yourself? To have fun and "receive" things out of life? Or are we living for Christ? Willing to give up worldly comforts and the next great thing to live a life that will make people ask "what makes them different?" Are we willing to praise Him, even in the hard times" We should be able to say like Paul, "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord."
Monday, September 13, 2010
Giving up is not good enough.
"If you truly want something, 'no' is not an acceptable answer."
How many times have we wanted something from a store? A child will literally drive their parents insane begging for the latest toy. They want it, and won't stop asking until they get it. Teens will ask for money, a cell phone, or a new outfit. They get upset if they don't get it...they continually give their parents grief about it. Parents or adults (18 and up,) we will decide we want something, and, we're worse than kids! We talk about it all day long...for weeks. We will save money, or put it on birthday/Christmas lists. All of these things, people are persistent about, but they have the wrong motives.
We will push, beg, groan and complain until we get what we want. That is, if it's something that will benefit "us." If we have a job to do, how much effort do we put into it? If any small thing gets in our way we say "well, I tried!" We took no, willingly, as an answer. Why? Because it would have required something FROM us.
To do a good deed, task for the Lord...or simply something for someone ELSE...we give up quickly at the first road block. Oh, if only we would put the kind of energy and persistence into things that matter that we do into selfish "wants."
God has given everyone a task. Spread the gospel. It's not difficult. It's not asking too much. He may not have even called you to China, but to spread word about Him to the people you're around. Play tennis, golf, football, soccer, or basketball? Talk to the people you're around for a long time. You don't have to go up and bring Christ up all the'd scare them that way...but have a "want" to do the task you've been given.
No, it may not benefit you in any way. Yes, you may be laughed at or teased... But weren't you told this would happen to you if you did what Christ asked? Don't give up. Don't get down because you aren't winning souls right and left. Even if you don't even see anyone come to the Lord in your life...the legacy you leave if you attempted to, and lived a life for Christ, even when it was hard? That will leave an impression on people around you.
Check your motives for what you're working for. A business: are you doing it simply to make money? Buying a car: are you getting it just to go have some fun? God gives us the material things we need...even things we want. And when when He asks one small task, we take "no" or "I can't" for an answer. How incredibly sad.
Challenge yourself. Live without your own comforts and pleasures in mind. Do everything you can to work on the task God has put before you. That is when you'll be happy. That is when you'll be blessed.
How many times have we wanted something from a store? A child will literally drive their parents insane begging for the latest toy. They want it, and won't stop asking until they get it. Teens will ask for money, a cell phone, or a new outfit. They get upset if they don't get it...they continually give their parents grief about it. Parents or adults (18 and up,) we will decide we want something, and, we're worse than kids! We talk about it all day long...for weeks. We will save money, or put it on birthday/Christmas lists. All of these things, people are persistent about, but they have the wrong motives.
We will push, beg, groan and complain until we get what we want. That is, if it's something that will benefit "us." If we have a job to do, how much effort do we put into it? If any small thing gets in our way we say "well, I tried!" We took no, willingly, as an answer. Why? Because it would have required something FROM us.
To do a good deed, task for the Lord...or simply something for someone ELSE...we give up quickly at the first road block. Oh, if only we would put the kind of energy and persistence into things that matter that we do into selfish "wants."
God has given everyone a task. Spread the gospel. It's not difficult. It's not asking too much. He may not have even called you to China, but to spread word about Him to the people you're around. Play tennis, golf, football, soccer, or basketball? Talk to the people you're around for a long time. You don't have to go up and bring Christ up all the'd scare them that way...but have a "want" to do the task you've been given.
No, it may not benefit you in any way. Yes, you may be laughed at or teased... But weren't you told this would happen to you if you did what Christ asked? Don't give up. Don't get down because you aren't winning souls right and left. Even if you don't even see anyone come to the Lord in your life...the legacy you leave if you attempted to, and lived a life for Christ, even when it was hard? That will leave an impression on people around you.
Check your motives for what you're working for. A business: are you doing it simply to make money? Buying a car: are you getting it just to go have some fun? God gives us the material things we need...even things we want. And when when He asks one small task, we take "no" or "I can't" for an answer. How incredibly sad.
Challenge yourself. Live without your own comforts and pleasures in mind. Do everything you can to work on the task God has put before you. That is when you'll be happy. That is when you'll be blessed.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Christ: Top priority, or last on the list?
"For centuries the church stood solidly against every form of worldly entertainment, recognizing it for what it was- a device for wasting time, a refuge from the disturbing voice of conscience, a scheme to divert attention from moral accountability. For this she got abused roundly by the sons of this world. But as of late she has become tired of the abuse and has given over the struggle. She appears to have decided that is she cannot conquer the great god entertainment she may as well join forces with him and make what use she can of his powers." -A.W. Tozer
It's so sad to see the way adults look at churches these days. Everyone is looking at a church that can offer "them" something; a church where the parents can drop their kids off and go do their thing for the day. Kids look for the one with the most activities, the one with the coolest youth group that gets to do "fun things." Movie nights, car washes, pizza parties...
Churches have fallen into that "low expectation" category. People don't expect to hear the word of God, to be moved by the Holy Spirit. Since when was a church to act as a fun house? Since when did God not even feel comfortable in a building said to be built for "Him." Do people not see the shallowness of their members?
We should all see something seriously wrong when we don't get on our face in prayer. When we don't check up on one another because we were "too busy." When we push aside reading our bible for the days sports section in the paper, or maybe a celebrity magazine with the latest gossip...whatever the case may be.
Since when has our list of priorities had "spend time with God" at the BOTTOM, and "wash car" at the top? Since we stopped seeking Him. Since we have let our priorities mirror what the world says they should be. Since we let our guard down and stopped MAKING time for Christ...
I need to be reminded...challenged... to make CHRIST my priority every single day. I pray you will search your life and see if you do too.
It's so sad to see the way adults look at churches these days. Everyone is looking at a church that can offer "them" something; a church where the parents can drop their kids off and go do their thing for the day. Kids look for the one with the most activities, the one with the coolest youth group that gets to do "fun things." Movie nights, car washes, pizza parties...
Churches have fallen into that "low expectation" category. People don't expect to hear the word of God, to be moved by the Holy Spirit. Since when was a church to act as a fun house? Since when did God not even feel comfortable in a building said to be built for "Him." Do people not see the shallowness of their members?
We should all see something seriously wrong when we don't get on our face in prayer. When we don't check up on one another because we were "too busy." When we push aside reading our bible for the days sports section in the paper, or maybe a celebrity magazine with the latest gossip...whatever the case may be.
Since when has our list of priorities had "spend time with God" at the BOTTOM, and "wash car" at the top? Since we stopped seeking Him. Since we have let our priorities mirror what the world says they should be. Since we let our guard down and stopped MAKING time for Christ...
I need to be reminded...challenged... to make CHRIST my priority every single day. I pray you will search your life and see if you do too.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Will you give everything for Jesus?
Something stuck with me tonight in the bible study I went to. One of the dads commented that they always say they hold everything they own with an opened hand. Meaning, they don't just throw things away by misusing them or not taking care of them...but the hand isn't grasping these things, either. It's best to leave your hand opened, so that, at any time, God can take the things back. We are just stewards of everything we have. We don't own anything...God owns it all.
My dad commented that, even though we have many things that we, car, materiel items, etc... God has already asked us to give them up... We're simply using them for a time.
Now, God does bless us with things, but He wants us to keep our eyes, love, and hearts on Him, so that when He asks us to give up the things He's given us, we can do so quickly and willingly.
We become so attached to our possessions, as if they're our own. We get accustomed to our lives with people we know, being around's safe for us. But, even if we're not called to go out on a mission field, say, in China, or Asia...we're still "called." God puts us in certain places, around certain people for a reason. He blesses some with more possessions than others...but we all have the same goal. Are reaching for the same thing. To bring people to Christ. To give our lives for Him.
It's so hard to let go of things. Some have to watch their families die simply because they won't deny Jesus. Some people have to watch their family die from disease...whatever the case may be...we are to love Christ SO much, that our love for our most treasured relationships...parents, spouse, children, etc...seems like hate in comparison.
As one man said to his wife shortly before he died, "My love for you is but a thimble compared to God's...which is like an ocean of love!"
So the question is: Do we believe what Jesus says? Do we trust Him enough to give up everything?
My dad commented that, even though we have many things that we, car, materiel items, etc... God has already asked us to give them up... We're simply using them for a time.
Now, God does bless us with things, but He wants us to keep our eyes, love, and hearts on Him, so that when He asks us to give up the things He's given us, we can do so quickly and willingly.
We become so attached to our possessions, as if they're our own. We get accustomed to our lives with people we know, being around's safe for us. But, even if we're not called to go out on a mission field, say, in China, or Asia...we're still "called." God puts us in certain places, around certain people for a reason. He blesses some with more possessions than others...but we all have the same goal. Are reaching for the same thing. To bring people to Christ. To give our lives for Him.
It's so hard to let go of things. Some have to watch their families die simply because they won't deny Jesus. Some people have to watch their family die from disease...whatever the case may be...we are to love Christ SO much, that our love for our most treasured relationships...parents, spouse, children, etc...seems like hate in comparison.
As one man said to his wife shortly before he died, "My love for you is but a thimble compared to God's...which is like an ocean of love!"
So the question is: Do we believe what Jesus says? Do we trust Him enough to give up everything?
Why don't we pray?
Things happen quick, life throws unexpected curve balls at us, and it seems we're just supposed to take it with stride and move on. It seems so easy for us to tell other people to just move on, or that it's "just life." So easy...until it hits US.
Life isn't easy. It's as simple as that. God didn't ever tell us it would be easy, go read anywhere in the bible when Jesus is talking about a life living for Him.
What usually makes these difficult times harder, though, is when we don't take them to God. These problems seem to get thrown on us, and in the commotion and surprise, we simply freak out...forgetting that the One who made us, the Creator of the entire earth is ready to listen to everything we have to say. Every need He meets. It may not be the way we had hoped, it may be in an entirely different way than we would even imagine...but He answers every prayer. For a child praying to their Father for guidance and help, it's a sweet thing indeed.
Think of the love your earthly father has for you...he isn't perfect, but any good father will love and try to protect his child with all that he can. Think then, of the love our HEAVENLY Father has for us...He made each of us, gave us life, yet we are afraid to ask Him when we need help? Isn't that just selfish.
Do we think we have the ability to solve every problem that comes our way? Do we feel God couldn't care enough about us to help in our times of need? If so, then we are forgetting that He CARED enough to give His son, His ONLY Son, to die for you and I. For the ones who nailed Him to the cross. The ones who mocked Him, who beat Him...
He didn't die to just let us live a life without Him. He wanted a relationship with us, to die meant we could have that relationship. That, through Him, we can now go straight to the Father whenever we need help. Isn't that something to be incredibly thankful for? People search their entire lives for a gift such as this. Someone to talk to that can comfort them, and we just take it for granted.
Start now. Start here. Don't let more days slip away with worries and problems. Take them to Christ. The bible tells us He even knows when a sparrow falls...He DOES care for you, so very, very much. If only we'd go to Him, we wouldn't have to face life alone.
Life isn't easy. It's as simple as that. God didn't ever tell us it would be easy, go read anywhere in the bible when Jesus is talking about a life living for Him.
What usually makes these difficult times harder, though, is when we don't take them to God. These problems seem to get thrown on us, and in the commotion and surprise, we simply freak out...forgetting that the One who made us, the Creator of the entire earth is ready to listen to everything we have to say. Every need He meets. It may not be the way we had hoped, it may be in an entirely different way than we would even imagine...but He answers every prayer. For a child praying to their Father for guidance and help, it's a sweet thing indeed.
Think of the love your earthly father has for you...he isn't perfect, but any good father will love and try to protect his child with all that he can. Think then, of the love our HEAVENLY Father has for us...He made each of us, gave us life, yet we are afraid to ask Him when we need help? Isn't that just selfish.
Do we think we have the ability to solve every problem that comes our way? Do we feel God couldn't care enough about us to help in our times of need? If so, then we are forgetting that He CARED enough to give His son, His ONLY Son, to die for you and I. For the ones who nailed Him to the cross. The ones who mocked Him, who beat Him...
He didn't die to just let us live a life without Him. He wanted a relationship with us, to die meant we could have that relationship. That, through Him, we can now go straight to the Father whenever we need help. Isn't that something to be incredibly thankful for? People search their entire lives for a gift such as this. Someone to talk to that can comfort them, and we just take it for granted.
Start now. Start here. Don't let more days slip away with worries and problems. Take them to Christ. The bible tells us He even knows when a sparrow falls...He DOES care for you, so very, very much. If only we'd go to Him, we wouldn't have to face life alone.
Friday, September 3, 2010
How grateful are you?
As I get older, I come to notice more about life...and as that happens, I see more things that go wrong. It gets so easy for me to complain about everything that doesn't go my way... I think of all the times I've gotten upset or depressed because what I wanted to happen didn't, or was delayed for some reason.
When we start thinking like this, it's easy to go with the flow of things, and be unhappy anytime we don't get what we want, when we makes us a bunch of impatient people, who are a pain to be around. Trust me, I'm around ME all the time.
Life isn't about what you get. We weren't made to have this perfect little life, where we get anything we want. We're to love God, give Him praise, serve Him...tell other people about Him...but if we're always thinking of ourselves, how can we be doing those things? You can't mumble about not getting what you wanted and praise God at the same time. You can't be upset and frowning, and expect to tell people about Jesus...if you did, you'd ruin the only chance you had to witness to those people! Just by being unhappy about not "receiving" things, you can make yourself miserable.
We (I included) have become accustomed to the way that everyone else in the world acts, it doesn't affect us anymore. We get pulled into the attitudes of the world, and, whether we want to admit it or not, start acting like people we see. It's kind of like the "garbage in garbage out" saying; what you put into your brain, is what will come out of your mouth or your actions. The people you're around, the friends you choose, will be what you start to be like.
The more you grumble and complain, the more your outward appearance will reflect ungratefulness and discontentment, selfishness...not the love and light of Christ.
That doesn't mean we have to pretend like everything is perfect...because it's not. Life isn't perfect, but we do make it worse by the way we react to situations.
I'll end with a quote...
"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has."
When we start thinking like this, it's easy to go with the flow of things, and be unhappy anytime we don't get what we want, when we makes us a bunch of impatient people, who are a pain to be around. Trust me, I'm around ME all the time.
Life isn't about what you get. We weren't made to have this perfect little life, where we get anything we want. We're to love God, give Him praise, serve Him...tell other people about Him...but if we're always thinking of ourselves, how can we be doing those things? You can't mumble about not getting what you wanted and praise God at the same time. You can't be upset and frowning, and expect to tell people about Jesus...if you did, you'd ruin the only chance you had to witness to those people! Just by being unhappy about not "receiving" things, you can make yourself miserable.
We (I included) have become accustomed to the way that everyone else in the world acts, it doesn't affect us anymore. We get pulled into the attitudes of the world, and, whether we want to admit it or not, start acting like people we see. It's kind of like the "garbage in garbage out" saying; what you put into your brain, is what will come out of your mouth or your actions. The people you're around, the friends you choose, will be what you start to be like.
The more you grumble and complain, the more your outward appearance will reflect ungratefulness and discontentment, selfishness...not the love and light of Christ.
That doesn't mean we have to pretend like everything is perfect...because it's not. Life isn't perfect, but we do make it worse by the way we react to situations.
I'll end with a quote...
"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has."
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