Monday, September 13, 2010

Giving up is not good enough.

"If you truly want something, 'no' is not an acceptable answer."

How many times have we wanted something from a store? A child will literally drive their parents insane begging for the latest toy. They want it, and won't stop asking until they get it. Teens will ask for money, a cell phone, or a new outfit. They get upset if they don't get it...they continually give their parents grief about it. Parents or adults (18 and up,) we will decide we want something, and, we're worse than kids! We talk about it all day long...for weeks. We will save money, or put it on birthday/Christmas lists. All of these things, people are persistent about, but they have the wrong motives.

We will push, beg, groan and complain until we get what we want. That is, if it's something that will benefit "us." If we have a job to do, how much effort do we put into it? If any small thing gets in our way we say "well, I tried!" We took no, willingly, as an answer. Why? Because it would have required something FROM us.

To do a good deed, task for the Lord...or simply something for someone ELSE...we give up quickly at the first road block. Oh, if only we would put the kind of energy and persistence into things that matter that we do into selfish "wants."

God has given everyone a task. Spread the gospel. It's not difficult. It's not asking too much. He may not have even called you to China, but to spread word about Him to the people you're around. Play tennis, golf, football, soccer, or basketball? Talk to the people you're around for a long time. You don't have to go up and bring Christ up all the'd scare them that way...but have a "want" to do the task you've been given.

No, it may not benefit you in any way. Yes, you may be laughed at or teased... But weren't you told this would happen to you if you did what Christ asked? Don't give up. Don't get down because you aren't winning souls right and left. Even if you don't even see anyone come to the Lord in your life...the legacy you leave if you attempted to, and lived a life for Christ, even when it was hard? That will leave an impression on people around you.

Check your motives for what you're working for. A business: are you doing it simply to make money? Buying a car: are you getting it just to go have some fun? God gives us the material things we need...even things we want. And when when He asks one small task, we take "no" or "I can't" for an answer. How incredibly sad.

Challenge yourself. Live without your own comforts and pleasures in mind. Do everything you can to work on the task God has put before you. That is when you'll be happy. That is when you'll be blessed.

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