This past year has been full of blessings. I serve an amazing God, let me tell you.
As I go through life, He is constantly surprising me, and giving me far beyond what I deserve. For instance, as of this past Tuesday, I am courting the most amazing guy. God doesn't owe me anything but death. For I am a sinner, and deserve the consequences of that title. But because of the gift of giving up His life and shedding His blood, I am able to have the joys of His love and kindness.
It's a new page of my life's book, and I'm so very excited! I pray daily to thank Him, ask for guidance, patience, and peace. Everything happens in God's time, not mine. But I must keep in mind that HIS timing is what's best for my life.
I can think back over my life and see things now, that I didn't see then, and say "wow, THAT'S why that happened!" At the present, we can get so confused and sometime angry with God for things that happen. However, we can also have patience with Him, and pray for understanding.
This is definitely an amazing blessing. One of the biggest ones I've ever received. My God is great, and SO worthy to be praised!
God has certainly worked miracles in my life this year! It's been so neat seeing all the things he has done. Definitely "far beyond what I deserve!"
I'm super excited about this 'new page' too!! :)
I'm asking for guidance everyday also. It's so important to keep 'God' in our sights right now... If we do that, He will bless :)
Matthew 6:33
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
It's so cool how many different ways God has changed each of our lives. It's something to just stand back and look on, and say "wow."
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