Today was a little rough. I admit I was grumpy, a little down...ok, a lot down lol...and just altogether tired. That never makes for a good day. I would stop and try to take deep breaths, and pray for patience with people and things happening. I'd be ok for a while, then get down again.
Life is kind of tough sometimes. I think one thing in particular that I need to learn, is to go with the flow and not be so fearful. God never said life would be easy, He never said every day would be a piece of cake. He DID say, however, that He would ALWAYS be there when we needed someone to talk to or give up our worries to.
He's there. He can put peace in my heart, give me patience when I need it. I just have to make sure I don't give up the second those things are tested. Most of the time, I fail those tests...I give up the first thing that comes my way if I don't have someone to constantly keep me cheerful and not thinking about my problems.
"A Life of Faith." That's what I strive for. Every day, to be closer to my Jesus. To live a life of a Christian is to be "Christ like."
I was reading a book today that was talking about Moses coming down from the mountain, and the people saw his face glowing, and were very afraid. He didn't do something to them himself to put fear in their hearts. The glory of God shone in their hearts and made then afraid. I don't need to try to scare people by living a certain way to show my faith, I need to let CHRIST shine through me, that is a life of Christ. To die to myself, and let God be what is alive in me.
I pray every day that I will have the strength to overcome my fears, and draw closer to Christ. "With God, all things are possible."
Wow, I had one of those days too. Actually, I've had one of those days the last three days.
God IS always with us. I'm so glad because I get very lonely at time living this Christian life. It just gets plain hard sometimes.
Moses' face shown because he had been in the presence of God. Life always gets easier and I hope God's glory shine through me better, as well, when I strive to "Turn my eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."
I love that song, it's such a great reminder. :)
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