Something stuck with me tonight in the bible study I went to. One of the dads commented that they always say they hold everything they own with an opened hand. Meaning, they don't just throw things away by misusing them or not taking care of them...but the hand isn't grasping these things, either. It's best to leave your hand opened, so that, at any time, God can take the things back. We are just stewards of everything we have. We don't own anything...God owns it all.
My dad commented that, even though we have many things that we, car, materiel items, etc... God has already asked us to give them up... We're simply using them for a time.
Now, God does bless us with things, but He wants us to keep our eyes, love, and hearts on Him, so that when He asks us to give up the things He's given us, we can do so quickly and willingly.
We become so attached to our possessions, as if they're our own. We get accustomed to our lives with people we know, being around's safe for us. But, even if we're not called to go out on a mission field, say, in China, or Asia...we're still "called." God puts us in certain places, around certain people for a reason. He blesses some with more possessions than others...but we all have the same goal. Are reaching for the same thing. To bring people to Christ. To give our lives for Him.
It's so hard to let go of things. Some have to watch their families die simply because they won't deny Jesus. Some people have to watch their family die from disease...whatever the case may be...we are to love Christ SO much, that our love for our most treasured relationships...parents, spouse, children, etc...seems like hate in comparison.
As one man said to his wife shortly before he died, "My love for you is but a thimble compared to God's...which is like an ocean of love!"
So the question is: Do we believe what Jesus says? Do we trust Him enough to give up everything?
The thought about keeping our hands open stuck with me also. It is so important to give everything to God so that if He asks us to give it back to Him we aren't clinging to it, unwilling to do what He asks us because we are so attached to something.
Easier said than done though. I'm definitely still having to work on that one.
Good thoughts Jessie.
Just to clarify my thought to HAS asked me to give my life and my house...they're both His...He's just letting me use them for the time being. The open hand example was very appropriate. Take care of those things that God has made us stewards over, but praise Him if and when He chooses to take them away...whether it be life, money or family. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away...blessed be the name of the Lord!
Nathan, It's something I struggle with as well. Thank goodness I don't have to rely on my OWN strength though!
Daddy- I didn't hear exactly what you said...but I did kind of miss the mark, so to speak, on what I MEANT to write. Thank you for clarifying. :)
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