One of the things Bro. Jeff (the missionary) pointed out over and over, was the fact that we, Christians, have a "fall back." Whether it's a missionary getting a degree in something before they go out to the mission field so they will have something else they can do if that "doesn't work out," or a your average Christian finding a few things they could do in case the job they feel God has called them to goes dead.
Since when do we use the world as our fall back? Since when do we have such little faith in God's calling that we have a back up case God's doesn't work...?
Have we become so dependent on ourselves that God is our second option?
God has a plan for our life. It may not always be a perfect fairy tale with happy endings to each day, but He has a plan nonetheless. If only we could turn back to Him, and trust Him with all that we are. Do things, even if they seem crazy, simply because we trust Him completely.
I have had so many plans in my life, and I had the thing *I* wanted to do as my first option, and what I thought God wanted as me second. Plan (a) would fall through, of course, and I'd "fall back on" plan (b) aka: God's plan.
I pray you and I have the strength to choose the harder, less worn path. The direction in life that we know won't be easy, but have faith enough in God, our Creator, that we just forge ahead with it. He will always be there for us, in the hard times and in the easy times. Our job is simply to praise, trust, and follow Him in all times.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
What do you see around you?
Tonight was amazing, to say the least. At our "Radical" bible study, one of the men had a missionary friend of his come. After the normal bible study routine, he (Jeff) got up to speak.
It was....eye opening. You hear stories from your pastor, or Christians friends about things missionaries deal with. While, yes, it saddens our hearts to hear these stories second hand and all, I don't think a lot of them cut deep. We don't get all of the details of someone who is there all the time.
The stories Bro. Jeff was sharing were just amazing. He had seen quite a few wars... We've never even heard of them! He said he gets an advantage over other Christians from the outside; he gets to see these things happening, pray for them, and see God answer these prayers.
He has witnessed and been a part of miracles most people don't believe in...even Christians. Things that are so "outrageous" in our minds that ONLY God could have done them.
He told of stories of places with, really, only women. Tons of them that have had the roughest life...and the only thing they need is milk for their children. Yet, none of the Christians, Christian organizations, etc will send it! Why?
We are SO spoiled. Admit it or not, it's the truth. We get what we want and more. We don't just have food, we are obese because of it. We overeat, and kill our bodies because we stuff our faces. These people over in Africa and loads of other places are dying because they haven't had food in weeks...maybe hardly anything in months.
We go through out days complaining about every little thing. If we don't get lunch right at noon, we thing we're going to starve to death. Children are taught that when they whine for food, they get it.
We have taken ALL of these blessings... food, clean water, a house, clothes, "stuff" and money....for granted. We don't even care that we have all of this junk. People who have nothing are grateful for everything. People who have everything are grateful for nothing. God gives, and we receive...without a word. No thanks to our Father, no nothing. We have come to "expect" to have everything we "need" or THINK we need. We're Spoiled.
So I ask you today...when will you move? When will you get out of this ungrateful, selfish life and start thinking of a bigger picture...with someone other than yourself? When will *I* do these things? I pray that we all can come to a realization that life isn't about US. It's not about "Jessica." It's about God, and what God wants done.
As a music group (Switchfoot) says, "I dare you to move." Move out of your wanting, care free life. Think of some friends of ours are going to do, take a day and eat beans and rice and give away what you would have spent at a restaurant to someone needy. Just do SOMETHING for someone, where you get NOTHING in return.
May God help us all to think of others before our-self.
It was....eye opening. You hear stories from your pastor, or Christians friends about things missionaries deal with. While, yes, it saddens our hearts to hear these stories second hand and all, I don't think a lot of them cut deep. We don't get all of the details of someone who is there all the time.
The stories Bro. Jeff was sharing were just amazing. He had seen quite a few wars... We've never even heard of them! He said he gets an advantage over other Christians from the outside; he gets to see these things happening, pray for them, and see God answer these prayers.
He has witnessed and been a part of miracles most people don't believe in...even Christians. Things that are so "outrageous" in our minds that ONLY God could have done them.
He told of stories of places with, really, only women. Tons of them that have had the roughest life...and the only thing they need is milk for their children. Yet, none of the Christians, Christian organizations, etc will send it! Why?
We are SO spoiled. Admit it or not, it's the truth. We get what we want and more. We don't just have food, we are obese because of it. We overeat, and kill our bodies because we stuff our faces. These people over in Africa and loads of other places are dying because they haven't had food in weeks...maybe hardly anything in months.
We go through out days complaining about every little thing. If we don't get lunch right at noon, we thing we're going to starve to death. Children are taught that when they whine for food, they get it.
We have taken ALL of these blessings... food, clean water, a house, clothes, "stuff" and money....for granted. We don't even care that we have all of this junk. People who have nothing are grateful for everything. People who have everything are grateful for nothing. God gives, and we receive...without a word. No thanks to our Father, no nothing. We have come to "expect" to have everything we "need" or THINK we need. We're Spoiled.
So I ask you today...when will you move? When will you get out of this ungrateful, selfish life and start thinking of a bigger picture...with someone other than yourself? When will *I* do these things? I pray that we all can come to a realization that life isn't about US. It's not about "Jessica." It's about God, and what God wants done.
As a music group (Switchfoot) says, "I dare you to move." Move out of your wanting, care free life. Think of some friends of ours are going to do, take a day and eat beans and rice and give away what you would have spent at a restaurant to someone needy. Just do SOMETHING for someone, where you get NOTHING in return.
May God help us all to think of others before our-self.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
"God of wonders"
I serve an amazing God who breaks me down and sends me to my knees when I finally realize I can't do it all on my own anymore. It's times like these that it hits me, that the weight of the world and all of it's problems is for God to worry about, not me. This stress that I've carried affects my every day life, it makes me exhausted, it's hurting my health, and making my day to day tasks seem like giant mountains I must to overcome.
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: God never made us to carry all of our problems. He is there to work with our problems and do with them as He pleases. And He certainly didn't make us to take on our family's, friends, or the worlds problems. That can kill a person.
My amazing Nathan helped me realize tonight that all these things I worry about are for God to deal with, not me. I'm so bad about holding everything I'm thinking and having problems with inside, and not letting anyone know. He, as always, pointed me back to God, and asked me to please give all of those fears and worries to God.
This past Sunday my dad was talking about prayers. He said most of the time we bring all of our problems to God, dump them in front of us, pray forever about them, then say "Thanks God" pick all of the problems back up and load them back on our back instead of leaving them with God.
It's hard to let go, I should know that more than anyone. But I'm trying to hard to just turn all of these things over to God. It's affecting my sleep more than anything... My friend at the chiropractor said one time "At night, it's always better to talk to the Shepherd then count the sheep." So, so true.
There's a song that goes along with this. Whatever we have become, God can turn us around or bring us back to Him. It's by the group Rush of Fools, called "Undo"
"Make every step lead me back to
The sovereign way that You
Turn me around, pick me up
Undo what I've become
Bring me back to the place
Of forgiveness and grace
I need You, I need Your help
I can't do this myself
You're the only one
Who can undo what I've become"
If He can create the earth and all that there is in 6 days, He can certainly handle my worries and fears. He can take this tiring life I'm in and turn it around; giving me peace, and a new energy that is focused on Him, not what I have or haven't done every day.
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: God never made us to carry all of our problems. He is there to work with our problems and do with them as He pleases. And He certainly didn't make us to take on our family's, friends, or the worlds problems. That can kill a person.
My amazing Nathan helped me realize tonight that all these things I worry about are for God to deal with, not me. I'm so bad about holding everything I'm thinking and having problems with inside, and not letting anyone know. He, as always, pointed me back to God, and asked me to please give all of those fears and worries to God.
This past Sunday my dad was talking about prayers. He said most of the time we bring all of our problems to God, dump them in front of us, pray forever about them, then say "Thanks God" pick all of the problems back up and load them back on our back instead of leaving them with God.
It's hard to let go, I should know that more than anyone. But I'm trying to hard to just turn all of these things over to God. It's affecting my sleep more than anything... My friend at the chiropractor said one time "At night, it's always better to talk to the Shepherd then count the sheep." So, so true.
There's a song that goes along with this. Whatever we have become, God can turn us around or bring us back to Him. It's by the group Rush of Fools, called "Undo"
"Make every step lead me back to
The sovereign way that You
Turn me around, pick me up
Undo what I've become
Bring me back to the place
Of forgiveness and grace
I need You, I need Your help
I can't do this myself
You're the only one
Who can undo what I've become"
If He can create the earth and all that there is in 6 days, He can certainly handle my worries and fears. He can take this tiring life I'm in and turn it around; giving me peace, and a new energy that is focused on Him, not what I have or haven't done every day.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Everything for the glory of God.
Tonight, thoughts of "goals" were stuck in my mind. There are times for goals and accomplishing things in life, but I also think there are times to not plan so much in our life. To "stop and smell the roses" as a friend is constantly reminding me.
I was thinking about all the people I know, yet, I hardly see anyone except Sunday at church. All of these "goals" I've set focus on one person: me. They're things for "me" to finish, to make "me" smarter or better...when my focus is constantly on "me" and "my life" of course I wouldn't have time for other people!
God has a balance for life. We can't focus all on ourselves, because we forget God and others. At the same time, we can't focus all on other people, because we will neglect our bodies and needs. It's a hard balance...and I fail most days. I stay locked up in my house working or some such nonsense.
It's good to have a purpose for each day, but if that means we have to say no to a friend or family member who needs us, then it's not accomplishing a thing.
Of everything we do, God should be the center of it all. If doing school is not done with the end goal of glorifying God, then we need to re think the way we do school. Same goes for cleaning; do we clean to get praise for ourselves? It might even be that we should clean so we can have a person in need into our house for encouragement. I don't know what the reasons should be. But I do know that everything, no matter how unimportant it may seem, should be done in a way that gives glory and praise to God.
Here's part of the lyrics of a song by Leeland and Brandon Heath called, "Follow You"
"Use my hands, use my feet to make Your kingdom come.
To the corners of the earth, until Your work is done.
'Cause faith without works is dead, and on the cross Your blood was shed.
So how could we not give it away so freely?"
God has give us life for one reason: to spread His name around the world, so that His name will be glorified above all names. He gave His life for us, is it not only logical that we give our lives for Him?
THAT is my new goal. To make my goals, my work, my life and everything I do bring glory to God.
I was thinking about all the people I know, yet, I hardly see anyone except Sunday at church. All of these "goals" I've set focus on one person: me. They're things for "me" to finish, to make "me" smarter or better...when my focus is constantly on "me" and "my life" of course I wouldn't have time for other people!
God has a balance for life. We can't focus all on ourselves, because we forget God and others. At the same time, we can't focus all on other people, because we will neglect our bodies and needs. It's a hard balance...and I fail most days. I stay locked up in my house working or some such nonsense.
It's good to have a purpose for each day, but if that means we have to say no to a friend or family member who needs us, then it's not accomplishing a thing.
Of everything we do, God should be the center of it all. If doing school is not done with the end goal of glorifying God, then we need to re think the way we do school. Same goes for cleaning; do we clean to get praise for ourselves? It might even be that we should clean so we can have a person in need into our house for encouragement. I don't know what the reasons should be. But I do know that everything, no matter how unimportant it may seem, should be done in a way that gives glory and praise to God.
Here's part of the lyrics of a song by Leeland and Brandon Heath called, "Follow You"
"Use my hands, use my feet to make Your kingdom come.
To the corners of the earth, until Your work is done.
'Cause faith without works is dead, and on the cross Your blood was shed.
So how could we not give it away so freely?"
God has give us life for one reason: to spread His name around the world, so that His name will be glorified above all names. He gave His life for us, is it not only logical that we give our lives for Him?
THAT is my new goal. To make my goals, my work, my life and everything I do bring glory to God.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
My Daddy
My dad is pretty special. He gives and gives, and when you'd think he had nothing left to give, he gives some more. He works so hard, every single day, for his family. He has so much put on him at once, yet he doesn't give up.
It's so encouraging to see him trust God with his life. At times when I would have given up totally, he just takes another step of faith. How many men keep going, even when it's incredibly hard? How many fathers deal with their childrens faults without leaving/beating/abusing them or just spend time with them still. No matter what all I've failed at, my dad still loves me. He forgives me. He guides me in life.
This is why I love God so much. My earthly father loves me SO much, enough to look beyond my faults, yet teach me to become better, more Christ much MORE does my heavenly father love me and want what's best for me?
My daddy encourages people all the time. Whether it's with words, an email, or just caring... How many times can one keep encouraging others without being given the same amount of encouragement? Even if people don't give their time for my dad, he always does his best to make time for others.
This isn't to say my dad is perfect...though if you asked me, I'd say he's pretty close, from a daughters view :)...but he sure tries to please God with everything in his life. It's so encouraging to me when I see him keep going. It makes me want to try just a little harder, to give just a little more, and encourage people as often as I have the chance.
My dad is amazing. He is my earthly example, and why I try to have a life of faith for Christ. And I love him so very, very much!
It's so encouraging to see him trust God with his life. At times when I would have given up totally, he just takes another step of faith. How many men keep going, even when it's incredibly hard? How many fathers deal with their childrens faults without leaving/beating/abusing them or just spend time with them still. No matter what all I've failed at, my dad still loves me. He forgives me. He guides me in life.
This is why I love God so much. My earthly father loves me SO much, enough to look beyond my faults, yet teach me to become better, more Christ much MORE does my heavenly father love me and want what's best for me?
My daddy encourages people all the time. Whether it's with words, an email, or just caring... How many times can one keep encouraging others without being given the same amount of encouragement? Even if people don't give their time for my dad, he always does his best to make time for others.
This isn't to say my dad is perfect...though if you asked me, I'd say he's pretty close, from a daughters view :)...but he sure tries to please God with everything in his life. It's so encouraging to me when I see him keep going. It makes me want to try just a little harder, to give just a little more, and encourage people as often as I have the chance.
My dad is amazing. He is my earthly example, and why I try to have a life of faith for Christ. And I love him so very, very much!
Like a Tree
As I was sitting here thinking, something came to mind.
When we first become a Christian, we are new to the word of God. We're like a young tree. It's slightly weak, and sometimes when a big storm comes, that little tree can get weathered pretty badly...sometimes even die. However, if it makes it through the storm, it become a little stronger. We, too, must stay strong in life's storms. As the years pass, we change, become stronger, more mature, yet we will always be that unique person God made.
A tree won't ever turn into a carrot, or a will change, become stronger and taller, but it will always be a tree. We also we won't turn into a dog, or change genders....we will always be "us." Everyone is unique in some specific way.
Again, the small tree that had a rough beginning of life...we too had it kind of rough some days. The devil throws all kinds of temptations at us, and we have to try and stay strong.
Trees thrive and grow from the rain and sun. Oh, to learn from something as simple as a tree. It doesn't go out and try to find what will keep it alive. It's natural for it to take in the sun, and soak up the rain to grow.
How often do we search for things to help us grow. Self help books, books on "finding your inner strength"...whatever the case may be. If you're a Christian, you KNOW that the only way to grow and live is through God. To soak up His word. Study it and let it sink in. To talk with God, keep a close relationship with Him. Like the tree and sun. Without God, we will wither up and die! We can't go too long without Him or His word. We will become frail and unable to live this life.
Just as trees have a purpose, to helps us live, give us shade, etc...We also were put on this earth for one purpose.
To glorify God in everything we do. Not just on Sundays when we're around other Christians, but... Every. Single. Day. To not only talk about God, but to live a life that glorifies Him, so that others can see. Just as the tree grows strong by feeding off of the things that keep it alive, and standing tall, letting everyone know full well that is IS a "tree," we also need to constantly feed off of God's word, and God Himself, then we can stand tall as His child so others can see that the word "Christian" isn't a title, but a lifestyle.
When we first become a Christian, we are new to the word of God. We're like a young tree. It's slightly weak, and sometimes when a big storm comes, that little tree can get weathered pretty badly...sometimes even die. However, if it makes it through the storm, it become a little stronger. We, too, must stay strong in life's storms. As the years pass, we change, become stronger, more mature, yet we will always be that unique person God made.
A tree won't ever turn into a carrot, or a will change, become stronger and taller, but it will always be a tree. We also we won't turn into a dog, or change genders....we will always be "us." Everyone is unique in some specific way.
Again, the small tree that had a rough beginning of life...we too had it kind of rough some days. The devil throws all kinds of temptations at us, and we have to try and stay strong.
Trees thrive and grow from the rain and sun. Oh, to learn from something as simple as a tree. It doesn't go out and try to find what will keep it alive. It's natural for it to take in the sun, and soak up the rain to grow.
How often do we search for things to help us grow. Self help books, books on "finding your inner strength"...whatever the case may be. If you're a Christian, you KNOW that the only way to grow and live is through God. To soak up His word. Study it and let it sink in. To talk with God, keep a close relationship with Him. Like the tree and sun. Without God, we will wither up and die! We can't go too long without Him or His word. We will become frail and unable to live this life.
Just as trees have a purpose, to helps us live, give us shade, etc...We also were put on this earth for one purpose.
To glorify God in everything we do. Not just on Sundays when we're around other Christians, but... Every. Single. Day. To not only talk about God, but to live a life that glorifies Him, so that others can see. Just as the tree grows strong by feeding off of the things that keep it alive, and standing tall, letting everyone know full well that is IS a "tree," we also need to constantly feed off of God's word, and God Himself, then we can stand tall as His child so others can see that the word "Christian" isn't a title, but a lifestyle.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Day by day
Sometimes it seems as though each day that passes means I've simply gone another day without getting anything done. I read constantly, pick up the house...but what have I accomplished? I might be slightly more informed on the topic I've read about and have a clean house, but what has that really gotten me?
I start thinking of things God's given me, whether it be creativity or a desire to sit and talk with Him for awhile. I rush around doing nothing only to have that be my title at the end of the day. For a lack of better words I just feel bored! It's as though my mind has gone blank with things to accomplish so I just give up on trying and sit down with a book.
God has given me so many days, and having accomplished two small things in my day is no longer acceptable. Every person has a need to feel like they're useful, needed, or maybe even talented. Whatever the case may be, whether we admit it or not we don't like being lazy! It's depressing and just makes us tired.
I've now begun a new list of goals. I don't just need to read, I need to learn. Anyone can sit down with a book; to do extra research or look up a word I don't know the meaning to, that's going the extra mile. (Of course, that's just an example.) I don't need to just clean because things are messy, I should have some fun, talk with God as I'm cleaning; maybe I can teach my younger siblings how to do specific jobs. I should take time to read God's word more often; feed off of it.
So many things I do every day are done half heatedly. I might tell myself I've accomplished a little bit when in reality the jobs weren't done well at all. Every job is to be done as if it were being done for the Lord. That's what the bible says. Weather it's school, cleaning, a creative project, helping my siblings with something, or just making my it all as if it's a job for Christ. Because everything we do really should be done for Him anyway, not for us or anyone else.
I pray I will strive to please God in all that I do, sooner or later I'll notice I'm not just going through life day by day, but living life to it's fullest potential.
I start thinking of things God's given me, whether it be creativity or a desire to sit and talk with Him for awhile. I rush around doing nothing only to have that be my title at the end of the day. For a lack of better words I just feel bored! It's as though my mind has gone blank with things to accomplish so I just give up on trying and sit down with a book.
God has given me so many days, and having accomplished two small things in my day is no longer acceptable. Every person has a need to feel like they're useful, needed, or maybe even talented. Whatever the case may be, whether we admit it or not we don't like being lazy! It's depressing and just makes us tired.
I've now begun a new list of goals. I don't just need to read, I need to learn. Anyone can sit down with a book; to do extra research or look up a word I don't know the meaning to, that's going the extra mile. (Of course, that's just an example.) I don't need to just clean because things are messy, I should have some fun, talk with God as I'm cleaning; maybe I can teach my younger siblings how to do specific jobs. I should take time to read God's word more often; feed off of it.
So many things I do every day are done half heatedly. I might tell myself I've accomplished a little bit when in reality the jobs weren't done well at all. Every job is to be done as if it were being done for the Lord. That's what the bible says. Weather it's school, cleaning, a creative project, helping my siblings with something, or just making my it all as if it's a job for Christ. Because everything we do really should be done for Him anyway, not for us or anyone else.
I pray I will strive to please God in all that I do, sooner or later I'll notice I'm not just going through life day by day, but living life to it's fullest potential.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Blessings overflowing
I always find it so very encouraging when something you've worried about for so long has finally been put to rest, and God just takes the worry away. It's such a peaceful feeling. I find one of my biggest problems is taking all of the worries in my life and putting them on myself. That's an awful lot of stress for one person to carry alone.
As I've said before, many times, God has never intended for any of His children to carry the weight that the world puts on us. We have the ability, the gift, to put all of our cares and worries with God, let Him take them over and deal with the outcome. When we try to fix things our own way, it never has the end result that God would have achieved.
His many blessings I thank Him for daily. I should be so ashamed when I complain about anything at all in my life. Just being given life itself is a blessing! Having a house, a family, friends, clothes and shoes...all of these things are indulgences lots of people don't have. Isn't it sad when we just complain about every little thing? I pray to God we can be more grateful; that *I* will be more grateful.
Always remember: Even when things get tough, there is ALWAYS something good that has come out of the situation. Even the things that seem so tragic in our lives, God brings Glory to His name and will even make something good come out of the bad times. In the end, all that matters is God being glorified anyway.
Our little piddly worries, fears, problems and tragedies...God can, and WILL, work in every single one of them.
So today, thank Him for something; anything. He is Lord of all, and worthy of our praise.
"I worship the One, Creator of life, maker of every breath. And I worship the One, giver of grace, able to conquer death. Worthy, worthy is the One true God. I worship the One, the Author of faith, who wrote every page of time. And I worship the One, whose love never fails, every heart in mine. Worthy, worthy is the One true God. I lift my praise to You, I lift my heart and soul to You." -Marshall Hall: Worship The One
As I've said before, many times, God has never intended for any of His children to carry the weight that the world puts on us. We have the ability, the gift, to put all of our cares and worries with God, let Him take them over and deal with the outcome. When we try to fix things our own way, it never has the end result that God would have achieved.
His many blessings I thank Him for daily. I should be so ashamed when I complain about anything at all in my life. Just being given life itself is a blessing! Having a house, a family, friends, clothes and shoes...all of these things are indulgences lots of people don't have. Isn't it sad when we just complain about every little thing? I pray to God we can be more grateful; that *I* will be more grateful.
Always remember: Even when things get tough, there is ALWAYS something good that has come out of the situation. Even the things that seem so tragic in our lives, God brings Glory to His name and will even make something good come out of the bad times. In the end, all that matters is God being glorified anyway.
Our little piddly worries, fears, problems and tragedies...God can, and WILL, work in every single one of them.
So today, thank Him for something; anything. He is Lord of all, and worthy of our praise.
"I worship the One, Creator of life, maker of every breath. And I worship the One, giver of grace, able to conquer death. Worthy, worthy is the One true God. I worship the One, the Author of faith, who wrote every page of time. And I worship the One, whose love never fails, every heart in mine. Worthy, worthy is the One true God. I lift my praise to You, I lift my heart and soul to You." -Marshall Hall: Worship The One
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