Tonight, thoughts of "goals" were stuck in my mind. There are times for goals and accomplishing things in life, but I also think there are times to not plan so much in our life. To "stop and smell the roses" as a friend is constantly reminding me.
I was thinking about all the people I know, yet, I hardly see anyone except Sunday at church. All of these "goals" I've set focus on one person: me. They're things for "me" to finish, to make "me" smarter or better...when my focus is constantly on "me" and "my life" of course I wouldn't have time for other people!
God has a balance for life. We can't focus all on ourselves, because we forget God and others. At the same time, we can't focus all on other people, because we will neglect our bodies and needs. It's a hard balance...and I fail most days. I stay locked up in my house working or some such nonsense.
It's good to have a purpose for each day, but if that means we have to say no to a friend or family member who needs us, then it's not accomplishing a thing.
Of everything we do, God should be the center of it all. If doing school is not done with the end goal of glorifying God, then we need to re think the way we do school. Same goes for cleaning; do we clean to get praise for ourselves? It might even be that we should clean so we can have a person in need into our house for encouragement. I don't know what the reasons should be. But I do know that everything, no matter how unimportant it may seem, should be done in a way that gives glory and praise to God.
Here's part of the lyrics of a song by Leeland and Brandon Heath called, "Follow You"
"Use my hands, use my feet to make Your kingdom come.
To the corners of the earth, until Your work is done.
'Cause faith without works is dead, and on the cross Your blood was shed.
So how could we not give it away so freely?"
God has give us life for one reason: to spread His name around the world, so that His name will be glorified above all names. He gave His life for us, is it not only logical that we give our lives for Him?
THAT is my new goal. To make my goals, my work, my life and everything I do bring glory to God.
1 comment:
I like how you are thinking. God does want more from us than our work, he wants our hearts. "Smelling the roses" helps us appreciate Him and listen to the Holy Spirit better, making us more than "mere men." When we do "all to the glory of God" we are finally upon the highest quest anyone can have, for that is why man was created, and thus what he must do to feel connected to his reason for living, or destiny. Those who are in Christ are predestined to become conformed to His image(Romans 8:29). That's a great feeling that, just as a rose bud is destined to unfurl its fragrant and impossibly beautiful petals, we too, though wrapped up in ourselves will be aided by the One who runs nature to display his handicraft to the whole universe--the saved and the unsaved. Deep calls to deep, and I think that your hearing this call to make all parts of your life a tribute to the God who made you testifies that His Spirit dwells in you. Shine on. As to daily failures, I can testify that my own efforts to center on God sometimes resemble a drunk man trying to aim a gun. Oh, how much we need His grace to do this Christian walk thing!
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