Thursday, October 21, 2010

What do you see around you?

Tonight was amazing, to say the least. At our "Radical" bible study, one of the men had a missionary friend of his come. After the normal bible study routine, he (Jeff) got up to speak.

It was....eye opening. You hear stories from your pastor, or Christians friends about things missionaries deal with. While, yes, it saddens our hearts to hear these stories second hand and all, I don't think a lot of them cut deep. We don't get all of the details of someone who is there all the time.

The stories Bro. Jeff was sharing were just amazing. He had seen quite a few wars... We've never even heard of them! He said he gets an advantage over other Christians from the outside; he gets to see these things happening, pray for them, and see God answer these prayers.

He has witnessed and been a part of miracles most people don't believe in...even Christians. Things that are so "outrageous" in our minds that ONLY God could have done them.

He told of stories of places with, really, only women. Tons of them that have had the roughest life...and the only thing they need is milk for their children. Yet, none of the Christians, Christian organizations, etc will send it! Why?

We are SO spoiled. Admit it or not, it's the truth. We get what we want and more. We don't just have food, we are obese because of it. We overeat, and kill our bodies because we stuff our faces. These people over in Africa and loads of other places are dying because they haven't had food in weeks...maybe hardly anything in months.

We go through out days complaining about every little thing. If we don't get lunch right at noon, we thing we're going to starve to death. Children are taught that when they whine for food, they get it.

We have taken ALL of these blessings... food, clean water, a house, clothes, "stuff" and money....for granted. We don't even care that we have all of this junk. People who have nothing are grateful for everything. People who have everything are grateful for nothing. God gives, and we receive...without a word. No thanks to our Father, no nothing. We have come to "expect" to have everything we "need" or THINK we need. We're Spoiled.

So I ask you today...when will you move? When will you get out of this ungrateful, selfish life and start thinking of a bigger picture...with someone other than yourself? When will *I* do these things? I pray that we all can come to a realization that life isn't about US. It's not about "Jessica." It's about God, and what God wants done.

As a music group (Switchfoot) says, "I dare you to move." Move out of your wanting, care free life. Think of some friends of ours are going to do, take a day and eat beans and rice and give away what you would have spent at a restaurant to someone needy. Just do SOMETHING for someone, where you get NOTHING in return.

May God help us all to think of others before our-self.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I cannot love the whole world, but I can love my little bubble better. “We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” Mother Teresa