I was reading today about our economies history. Lots of different things...but the one thing I saw over and over is the way man has slacked off of work over the years.
Where man stops doing, the government happily steps in. This quote is very true,
"The government which governs best, governs least." - Thomas Jefferson
If you look at people from today's lifestyle, how many people actually work...and how many rely on others to provide for them? A year ago, I would have said teens were the biggest majority who do this. They sit and play games, or go shopping...spending their parents money without a thought. They get what they want, when they want it. However. As I look around me and read more, I see it's not just teenagers. Many many people take advantage of the government paying for things, and have simply stopped working.
People don't even try to get another job once they lose it, they think it's time for the government to step in and provide. I see things of this earth ruling man, instead of God's design, man being dominate over the earth, coming into play.
It's really sad to see. Our nation is so strong because it was built by men and women who were willing to work, sweat, and lose everything to build what we have. They died for our freedom, spent their life working to make this nation great.
Like a house, a car...for something stay in good condition you have to continue to take care of it. You cant buy a brand new car and never have it inspected and the small, seemingly insignificant things repaired and taken care of.
Where one steps down, another should step up. We've had many people step down...many people die...how many have taken their place? How many people care enough for our freedom and way of life here to step up and do something when there is a problem?
"Because of Adams sin, man must now work hard to make earth yield her riches, and must save, conserve, and often to without for a time in order to reap future benefits. Work, however, is still a blessing and a responsibility from God; the Fall did not abrogate the command to subdue the earth and exercise dominion over it; it made labor a moral necessity because of man's fallen estate and God's curse upon the earth. In a sense, hard work keeps man from following his sinful tendencies to their natural conclusions."
Work is a blessing.,,one which seems to be slipping away. Without it, man becomes lazy and dependent on things other than God.
Work really is a blessing. A thought I had was how, after a hard day's work, when you finally get to come home and relax and sleep, you enjoy it so much more than if you had just been at home being lazy all day. Also you appreciate the things you have more if you work hard for them. Easy come, easy go.
Very good thoughts, Jessie, thanks for sharing them.
Oh definitely. I always enjoy relaxing more if I've worked hard all day.
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