Last week my dad and brother-in-law spent a day sanding my bedroom walls, putting a skim coat of Sheetrock mud on them, then sanding them, once again. Now I have spent the last few days cleaning everything out of my room, prepping it for paint, and last but not least, priming everything. It's rather tiring work but it feels good to work on a DIY project again. I've missed that "before" and "after" kind of thing, and I can't wait to get it finished so I can see all my hard work put together. :)
Some of the DIY projects are actually a lot like the Christian walk. Cleaning out a room to start anew is like our renewal we get from Christ. When we become a follower of Christ, He cleans us up inside and out. Gets all the junk thrown out, then starts the "remodel". Like we go and paint over stained walls and put new flooring down over the old, worn floors, God also goes and covers His blood over our imperfections, "junk" and past sins.
The final project is always astonishing. What once was a heap of ruins is now a brand new creation. Beware, though, because there are those who make themselves seem to have had the makeover and are new, but in reality they just covered up the rot and trash with cheap materials. They have the outward look of a new creature, but inside they are still the same, still rotting and will eventually fall apart.
When God remakes our life and lives within us, He is constantly doing the upkeep to make sure His child doesn't fall apart. We have a sinful nature and won't be made perfect until the day we reach heaven, so nobody should expect a perfect life when they accept Christ. He has given us a freedom to make our own choices, and the choices we make reflect our walk with Christ.God can be there, ready to repair when we need it, but we have to ask Him to. If we're truly children of God, no matter how far we stray from Him, we will eventually come back. We have Christ living within us, the ultimate Healer; the Creator.
I still have a lot of things that I let go for awhile that I need God to repair to their original beauty. But I have complete trust that He will never leave me, nor forsake me. In the good times or in the bad, God is there for me...and for all the others who have come to Him.
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