I've come to realize something... Friends aren't supposed to be my life. Amazing huh? When God talks about being the center of our life, or setting our eyes on things of heaven and not earth, when He says where our treasure is that's where our hearts will be, He means exactly that.
When we spend our whole life searching for a "true friend", if our focus is to make people think we're cool, or maybe we're trying to make people like a fake us; that is so incredibly selfish! We are taking all that thinking, loving...putting our whole hearts into something other than God. When we get to heaven He won't send us away if we didn't have only one friend...or none at all. Life isn't about friends! Friends are amazing, can be uplifting, encouraging and a super huge blessing, but God will soon take those people away if our attention is all on "people" and not Him. He IS a jealous and righteous God. He DOES deserve all of our time and attention.
For a long time I lived a life trying so desperately hard to make people like me. I would do things, say things, or wear things because that's what "everyone else" was doing and I thought just MAYBE they would like me, accept me, if I did what they did. News flash...THEY are doing those things because people THEY know or follow are doing them. In reality...they best way to make people like us, is to simply be yourself. God didn't make us the way we are so we could hide behind a mask that shouts "I look like him/her!!!" We're unique. We're perfectly and wonderfully made. We're an imperfect people, but were made by a perfect God.
We will never be happy, never have true friends if our focus is on doing things to make them happy. Be yourself! Give your time to God...He will bless you more than you can even imagine.
I'm still learning this lesson. I still "envy" girls sometimes because they "look better than I do." I have to remind myself that I am "perfectly and wonderfully made." God made me the way I am for a reason. By not being myself, I am basically telling God I don't approve of His work.
“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”
Thank God for the imperfections you have. Someday, He might just help you accept them. :)
Oh man I love this so much! It's so true. And you know what else happens on the side? The times when we let go and we don't worry about ourselves being accepted, but just focus on being a good friend to others, we are more likely to be liked or accepted! it's a funny irony :)
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