Life moves on. Every day things change and people have to learn to deal with the outcome of different situations. I think the hardest of all, though, is when you lose a few friends. Even though you have many more still in your life, sometimes all you can think about are the one's you've lost and how much of your life they were a part of. God gives peace to those who seek it and follow Him faithfully. I just pray I can keep following Him even when He asks me to give certain things up that I've grown attached to.
I have many friends that I connect with on facebook or through text...even some that I'm not as close to that I see when I play tennis a lot. Sometimes, it's just nice to have someone in person to cry on, vent to, or just have a talk with. Then I remember who my best friend really is (or at least, should be.) Jesus. He is my Father, but He is also my best friend. Unlike the people of this world that will leave me, whether by choice or by circumstance, my God has promised never to leave me nor forsake me. He has promised to be there any time I need to talk, and He will be there for me no matter where I am in the world. It hurts losing many friends...but God will also bless a faithful servant; sometimes He even brings better friends into our life through a sad situation. Through many things I've gone through the past year, I have lost friends, but I have also made some new amazing friends. God has blessed me, even when I have failed so many times to "show myself friendly" or do the right thing.
That is the lesson I have learned. I don't have to have friends of this world. I already have THE best friend ever. I never thought about it like this before, but all the things I wish I had someone to talk to about...God is right there, waiting on me to give all my problems and worries over to Him. Whereas friends might not always know what to do or say, God has an answer for everything (even if it's not right away.) God blesses me with friends, but I shouldn't let them get in the way of my relationship with Christ. For me to put anyone higher above Him is making them an idol. Why put someone on a pedestal when they will fail me anyway? Shouldn't God be in the most prominent place in my life? Shouldn't I go to HIM for all my needs? Shouldn't He be the one I go to for advice? Indeed. I pray God will keep my heart on Him fully and completely, and never let any relationship of this world get in the way of me and Him.
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