Monday, October 17, 2011

My 9 amazing blessings

I've written several posts about friends in my life that have made a huge impact, how much I admire and love my amazing Papa...but I don't know that I've written a whole lot about my family.

Growing up, it was instilled in me that family should always be your best friends, because they will always be there for you. Me, being the "want more" kind of person, I searched outside of my family for love and acceptance of other people. I was let down by friends, I let friends down. I finally got to a point where I drew away from all my friends and even my family, who had always been there for me.

Through the past 3 years, I've become closer than I ever have been to my parents and all 5 of my siblings. I've found new strengths, faults and values in each of them...but most of all, I've found an acceptance of me from each and every one of them. See, through me, and myself alone, have I let the lies of Satan come into my mind and be glued there...ones that tell me people don't love me and so on. Every time I fail, I expect my parents to be angry with me (not because they ever have, but because Satan tells me they will be.)

Do you know what I've found? My family loves me. Through and through, in spite of my faults, in spite of my pity parties, in spite of my wrong doings, in spite of selfishness, temper flare ups, impatience, greed, pride and everything else I've messed up on. They love me. ME.

They are there for me, 24/7, they give me a hug or let me vent whenever I need to. My parents give me wisdom for difficult situations, but let me make the ultimate decision. They have always encouraged me to be who God made me to be, and not what anyone else wants. They push me outside of my comfort zone because they know how badly I want to get there...but just can't give myself that last little push.

Through it all, good times and bad, my family is the most amazing blessing I could ever imagine.

My dad is constantly boosting my confidence that I'm not dumb. He bears my heartaches and comforts me with the words of God.
My mom is always telling me "You can do it, Jessie!" She always tells me I can do more than I let myself believe.
Sara always encourages me to not give up, reassures me that I am worth something.
Josh is always there to comfort and say "I love you."
Sam is there to make me laugh and put a smile on my face. He tells me not to get down on myself, and to remember to treat others the way Christ would want me to.
Em is Miss Sunshine, lol. She is the one who can always just listen when I am upset or have a million things to get off my mind.
Ethan is there to remind me to never grow up fully, but always have fun.
Then there's my brother-in-law. Goodness, such an amazing guy! He has always been there for me...he's seen the best sides of me, and the worst. lol He's loved me through all those times.
My little niece reminds me of God's amazing gift of life.

So, if there is ever any doubt in my mind whether I am loved, I look to my family. Those special people God placed in my life for a purpose, because He knew these people were the exact ones I needed to keep me going. :)

Love you guys so very much! I am incredibly thankful for each and every one of you!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you do have a loving family. I'm happy for you.

Jessie said...

One of the best. I never claim so have a perfect one, but I have nothing less than a loving and encouraging one. The problems I have with myself are one's I've brought upon myself by letting Satan insert lies into my mind. By letting other people's lies and words of despair take over the "truth" in my heart that God put. Each day is a blessing, but also a struggle. People are hurtful, and I can be unloving, but God is forever gracious and forgiving, no matter the number of times I mess up or fail at being Christ-like.