Sunday, October 2, 2011

Where does your family come in?

My plan for tonight's post was all written up; then I went to watch the new Sherwood films movie, Courageous. My goodness, what an amazing movie it was!

Most movies are based on a story that someone just kind of makes up and got people to act in. Sherwood films aren't your normal movies. These actors are real people, not fake; real Christians, real life, struggling, faithful people.

I won't give away any of the plot line so those who haven't seen it won't get mad at me (lol) but I do have a few things to say about it.

Watching these men grow in their faith and realize most of the problems they're dealing with during their job are solely from fathers lacking in their job was just eye opening. Not that I can relate to the whole "father" role or anything, but my eyes were opened to a lot of different areas.

The role of the father in a home is SO very important. People these days don't really think much of fathers, especially those who had a poor example of one.
This made me think of a few questions:

-What if dads started having courage instead of backing down to simply "keep the peace"?

-What if dads were to be so in love with their family that they got the respect they deserve because of that love?

-What if dads started giving advice from the bible instead of self-help books and "what I would do"?

-What if dads didn't back down from what's right but kept patience and showed their kids compassion to explain why they're protecting them?

-What if dads took the time to talk with their kids, instead of giving them the "they're going through a phase" excuse?

-What if dads all around the world were to start leading instead of following?

Mind you, I'm not a parent nor have I ever had the stress and responsibility of a family. But I do know what the bible says about this role.

Men are to be the leaders and head of the house. Not the wife as it is in most cases these days. Not the children, which is also common. Look around you. The men of good hearts, being pounded down every day for trying to lead and provide. Being griped at, cried on, have little patience with, told what to do. No wonder men have become so afraid of leading! They've been beaten down so much by their families, instead of supported.

Wives, you are to submit. Children, you are to obey. Period. End of story. God said it, and we are to do it. Fathers, your role is to be loving, protector, compassionate and strong.

If men would stand up and be courageous and not back down when times are tough or their family tries to push their way, there would be so many problems solved in the American family.

I've seen time and time again fathers who try every day to do the right thing, but as soon as their mouth opens the kids come back with complaints or moans, the rolling eyes or sighs, the anger and irritation quite visible for their dad to see. He gives up to make everyone happy, while all along he is going deeper and deeper into a hole away from his position. I've seen wives intimidate, take advantage of, manipulate and get depressed when their husband makes a statement about anything that wasn't her idea.

What has become of the Godly, Christ-centered family? Do we not see that God is the Father, the head? If we cannot be in submission to our earthly father, how are we going to be submissive to our heavenly Father?

To lead justly and righteously, have mercy and compassion, walk humbly and submissively with God. Teach kids of God and His commandments. If you put your job, hobbies or anything else over the eternal destination of your child's soul, then you need to re-work those priorities.

Make a change, BE the change you so wish to see in families.

Look around the news. Men never getting married but have multiple kids. Fathers beating and killing their children. Dad's leaving their family for their own selfish reasons. Fathers living a life of alcohol or "hobbies" and leaving no room for "leadership" anywhere in his life.

I know I, personally, do not walk as closely with God as I should. I question more than I follow, I fear more than I have faith, I am impatient when I need to wait and I push my own way instead of asking God for His.

I have a terrific dad, one who loves the Lord with all his heart. He works so hard for his family and loves us more than we deserve. He points us to Christ in times of trouble and is there when we need a good hug. He is by no means perfect, there is not such a man on this earth, but I love my dad dearly and respect him so much.

Kids, teens, young adults...the lessons our parents teach us will do no good whatsoever if we do not head to their wisdom.

We cannot claim to have a strong, immovable faith and spend more time on our phone, Facebook or in front of a TV than we do with God or spend time in His word.

Where is your heart? What are your priorities? Hopefully we can all say "With God."

"Where are you, oh men of courage?" Where are you, loving, submissive wives? Where are you, children of God?

It's time to make a change.

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