Sunday, November 6, 2011

One Love, One Purpose, One Message

-One: Existing, acting, or considered as a single unit, entity, or individual
-Love: A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person
-Revolution: A sudden, complete or marked change in something

The group I've been following for a bit now is called "One Love Revolution" and what it is kind of speaks for itself. It's a group of people getting together as *One*, showing such a passionate *Love* for those around us that it has started to become a *Revolution*.

If one's heart is truly in something, other people will notice. Everyone wants a passion in life that will drive them, something to fill their time that has meaning. Everyone wants to be a part of a cause that will have a lasting result. How many of us are willing to let our passionless lives go and just do what we have been called to do? How many times have we been lit back on fire for the Lord after seeing what others are doing for the cause of Christ; the love we see in their eyes, the glow from their face that can only come from God and a true fulfillment in their one's life given only through Christ Jesus Himself. How many times have we dumped water on our flame by saying we aren't capable of doing such a thing because we lack the correct training, talents or free time in schedules? How many times have we put what we want over what God is telling is to go do?

We have to allow Christ to change our lives to an outward focus, not an inward focus. We have to let God work in our hearts; to give us the passion we long for. We have to be willing to feel for other people, to cry when they cry, have heartache when they do and are brought to our knees when things get rough.

-When is the last time we were brought to our knees, to tears or to a point of speechlessness because of something God did?

-When is the last time we were in AWE of our Savior?

-When is the last time we just told God how much we truly love Him?

Have we become so lifeless that we push aside any emotional feelings for our God? We can't be emotional Christians on fire for God if we let our pride get in the way of His calling or love.

I'm the kind of person that makes excuses for not going where I feel God wants me to go or do what He wants me to do. As a matter of fact, if there was a job for making up believable excuses, I'd be the head of that corporation.

-God couldn't use me there, I don't have any talent in that area. I'd just be in the way.
-Well I already told my family I would sit and plan supper/____ for them; I can't back out now.
-Bummer, I don't have a car today. Sorry, I can't make it.
-I really don't think this is for me. I can do just as much by giving money.

-Granted, there will definitely be times when talent/gifts in a certain area will be necessary, but most of the time people just need help moving supplies, organizing papers, keeping everything running smoothly, leg work here and there or simply someone to encourage volunteers.
-Family is important, don't get me wrong, but I think my family could get along just fine if I wasn't there to make dinner, clean the house or play a game sometimes.
-Ask who else is going? If anyone could give a ride. Most people are more than willing to assist.
-Money is great, and pretty much any charity organization you find could use all they can get. But what if everyone uses that excuse? Everyone gives but nobody is willing to dig in and get their hands dirty, to move schedules around and give of their own time? Then all that's happened is money piles up and we watch it sit there as everyone passes by, without a thought of actually doing.

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I won't put all churches in one category, because it wouldn't be fair to those who don't belong. But when you look at most churches today, where do you see the focus? Getting more members. People are friendly, kind, thoughtful and interested in the visitor, but not the actual person. It's another human that could be a possible member or fill another seat, so we have to do all we can to make them feel welcomed and loved so they'll want to join. What happens when they do? They simply become another warm body. No more checking up, no more encouraging, no more talks to get to know them...they become a faceless member of yet another church. The focus is on enlarging it's congregation and not expanding God's kingdom...a kingdom filled with passionate people who give more love and attention to other people in need than their own wants and wishes.

When you look back quite a few years, you see people getting together to worship God and learn more about Him by reading His became "church". Now we get together and have our church service and many times forget about the fact that we are coming together to for God; not ourselves, not to make us feel good. We worship God, but won't let Him move among us because it might mess with our schedule or, perhaps, He might ask us to do something that might cause us to feel guilty or uncomfortable. What a horrid thought!

When we become so caught up in our own lives that we can't even get out and help those who are in need, we seriously need to take a step back and look at what's around us instead of keeping our eyes on ourselves.

"He who gives to the poor will never want, but he who shuts his eyes will have many curses." -Proverbs 28:27

Time and time again we choose to see the world, the very towns we live in, as places that don't need a whole lot of work. We put rose colored glasses on and walk around with the appearance that we aren't concerned for anything because life is just great. We don't see the people that don't have water, clothes, shoes, a place to live, we don't notice the families who go days without food; we don't see the one's who lack friends to ask for help or lean on when they need encouragement. Many times, I think it takes us having gone through something awful to actually have compassion on those who live in poor circumstances. Those who are truly in need.

I love the verse in Matthew that says,
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:19-21)

When you start investing your time, money and prayers into something, anything, you will start to value that thing. Whether it be people, your church, friends, homeless, family, charity...whatever the case is, it will become valuable to you. However, the same thing goes the opposite way. If you invest your time in yourself, your house, cars, etc then that is where your heart will be.

Invest in what you want your heart to be in. I think too often we say we would love to have opportunities to help others, but we're never willing to invest time and money in that kind of a cause. Invest in things that will have heavenly value. Care for others as you would like to be cared for yourself. Don't judge by what you see on the outside, because you never know what someone has gone through. Love as though you'll never have another chance. Give as though Christ is coming back tomorrow.

I've failed so many times doing the right thing; I let my fear of man or what other people would think of me for doing something for others. I have let other people's values and opinions rule my heart and pushed God to the corner instead of vice verses. It's time to shut out those voices. It's time to stand up when God tells me to, to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and go where He tells me to.

It's time Christians stopped focusing on themselves and the enlarging of their church and putting their time into things that will have value in the light of eternity. Things that will actually matter when we get to heaven.
What's the point in building our treasure here anyway? We can't take it with us when we go.

J.O.Y = Jesus, Others, Yourself. If you're heart is completely given Jesus, then you will do for others as you would want to have done to you, and in return it will cause you to be joyful.

Where have you built your treasure?

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