I just watched yet another eye opening movie.
It's amazing how many times recently God has put something in my life that has shown me just how often I put my own comfort above other people. How often I haven't done something because it wasn't safe.
"Safe is sinking sand. Comfort is sinking sand." (from the movie "The Second Chance") But my faith is built on a Solid Rock. One that never fails. One that is strong and everlasting.
How many times have we been in the bad part of town and walked a little faster down the sidewalk, triple checked our car doors to make sure they were locked, held on a bit tighter to our purse and checked our wallet to make sure it was still there? How many times have we thought more about what could be taken away from us than what we could give away?
"So then, none of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions." -Luke 14:33
One thing you will notice among Christian groups and churches, whether big or small; people have their friends and family (both blood and church) over for get together's, dinner, parties, etc. Their intentions may not be to have them over because they will be returned the kindness, but they know more than likely it will happen. When is the last time we spent time with those who could give us nothing? The last time we talked with someone who may not have had the same education as we had...if any at all...? When was the last time any of us went out instead of people having to come to us?
“When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, otherwise they may also invite you in return and that will be your repayment. But when you give a reception, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, since they do not have the means to repay you; for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” - Luke 14:12-14
I find it ironic that churches claim to be doing all they can for God, yet their own communities are hurting and aching for love which the church refuses to give. There are homeless on every corner...and churches at every other corner. Again, the irony. Have you looked around you lately to see how many churches there are? There are hundreds in most towns. And while these churches are splitting over some little disagreement, spending money, time and resources to build new churches from the "splits" and arguments, there are people in need outside, watching as these so called "people of God" treat one another like the devil himself.
Pastors now beleive their place is to take care of the church, the (outwardly) kind people who pay their salary. Since when is it a pastors job to sit in a big building all day, worrying about who is going to blow up next? We shouldn't be paying our pastor to take care of every little argumentative statement we blab out of our mouths. We shouldn't be paying him to put out flames among each other (so called brothers and sisters). We shouldn't be paying a pastor to go out on lunches with potential members of our amazing "perfect" congregation. The pastor's job is not to the people, it is to God. If he is all for God, He will show kindness, love and understanding to his people. We pay our pastors to do as God says, not what we say. Otherwise, we're simply paying a man to tell us what we want to hear...and kick him out when he makes us feel guilty.
The thing is, it doesn't take a man with an Associates degree, Bachelors, Masters, or Doctorate degree to go out and do the work of God. God has no title for us. In His eyes every one of His followers are equal. We are all sinners saved by His grace alone, not by the title we've been labeled with because of our wisdom or the amount of money we have in our bank account.
There isn't a single person more fit for the job of telling the gospel than you and I. You don't need big words, you don't even need to understand everything perfectly. All you need to know is that "you were blind but now you see."
We tend to point out those who we think don't deserve the gift God gave. We highlight their faults, the parts that need work and most of all, point out where they're lacking in an area that we have always excelled. You know the saying, "Who died and made you king"? Well, lets change it a little bit so that it says, "HE die;, He IS our King." It's not our job to say who deserves God's love. We sure wouldn't ever pick out the right people if it were up to us. We would have everyone condemned...well, all but ourselves, of course.
"Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don't condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you'll find life a lot easier. Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity." -Luke 6:38
When I sit and think about all that I hold back from doing because of fear...my goodness, I could fill up notebook after notebook. Fear has ruled my life for a long time. But do you know what I've been realizing? Everyone is afraid of something. It could be something as small as a little spider, to something more life changing, like dying from cancer.
Even strong Christians who have been followers of Christ for decades have fears. The good news is we all have Christ, too. If we lean on His courage we can accomplish anything He asks.
There are hurting people out there; there are people who need love and kindness poured out on them. Why do we place that responsibility on others when we have the power to give everything we have away? Too much, you say? Well, if God is your all...then wouldn't it just be Him you have to give away? Anything else comes as a response from that.
Look down. Where are your feet planted?: On The Solid Rock, or the sinking sand?
We're a few hours away from Christmas day. I know almost everyone (my family included) will be having family time, time for presents, food and fun times. Let us be sure and remember the whole reason we celebrate this time of the year. It is not about what we might be getting, but rather what we HAVE BEEN GIVEN. A long time ago God Himself came to this earth as a babe. He was born in the poorest of circumstances, into a family with hardly anything to their name. He didn't come to condemn the world, but to give the ultimate gift of His own life. He lived so He could die; so we wouldn't have to.
That baby in the manger was the biggest, most powerful gift you will ever receive. That baby grew up to be a man who died for you and I along with everything we've ever done wrong.
Take a moment and thank Him for HIS gift, tomorrow. Without Him, we would have nothing...not even the life we're now living.
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