People can put a lot of labels on a lot of different things. You go into stores and it seems everything has a label. Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed how pasting labels has gone from products to humans? It's a very interesting thing to look back on and watch the progress (or would that be regress?) This has even gotten so far that we now see people labeling things with the name of God.
Organizations, churches, activities, bands, lifestyles... The list could go on for awhile so I won't bore you by naming all of them off. The thing I've seen, or more haven't seen, IS God. At least when it comes to these specific things. People place the name of God or the title "Christian" on their agenda because they know shallow "I grew up a Christian" people will fall right in, thinking they're doing something great, or at least being better than the next person.
We have been fooled by these labels and it is time to coat them in Goo-Gone. Time to stop embarrassing God by placing His name where He is nowhere to be found.
In East Texas, it's pretty normal to be a Christian, even "popular" to some extent. Most people you meet will tell you "Oh sure, I'm a Christian" without a hesitation. But let me stop you right there, because this is a very dangerous place to go. To set part of this misconception straight; going to church as a child, having a father who was a deacon or elder, a grandfather who was in a Southern Gospel group or a mother who had a strong faith does not make you a Christian. Putting yourself into a group you do not belong is very deceiving, to others around you and yourself as well. It gives the appearance that you do not need saving because of something that went on in your background. You are simply using God to fit into certain groups or feel better about yourself.
Let me put it this way.
You're a popular actor but, before your budding career, nobody even knew who you were. Nobody ever noticed you; as a matter of fact, you were the ONLY one nobody noticed everywhere you went. All of the sudden people seem to idolize you. Everyone "cares about you" and watches what you do so they can mimic you and, maybe, have some class of their own. People stop you to have a picture taken with you, they ask for you to sign your name on things (who would have thought!) and even fight over things you've simply touched! You feel like you're on top of the world! Finally, people notice you!
Then one day, you're older, your producer and agent start losing clients and their popularity begins to decline, taking your popularity with theirs. You aren't making the big scenes anymore. People still get excited to see you...most of the time...but they don't have that glowing look that they actually care a whole lot about getting to meet you. It's almost a false excitement. You (finally) see; nobody really cared who you were. They used you to get to their own time in the spot light; to get their own 2 seconds of fame. You were the trophy people used to help show off to their friends and family. You made them feel good, so they used you to do so. Nobody truly appreciated you for who you were, but what you could do for them.
Putting aside the actor part...have you ever been here? You thought someone truly cared about you only to learn they just wanted something out of the relationship (whether it was family, a friend, coworker, etc.)
I've had it happen to me and it is one of the most painful things you'll ever feel. It hurts not only physically but mentally and spiritually. That one person, or many people, who you had grown to love and felt that same love returned...only to find out it was all false; you are then dumped when you've completed your usefulness and they've gotten what they needed.
It's very sad.
The thing is, if you have gone through something like that, you know exactly how bad it hurts. You know that you will never heal, you know how long it takes for you to be able to trust anyone again. It takes even longer time to let love in again.
The way you were treated, that pain you felt, that is how God feels when we use Him to our advantage. When we love Him in the good times and dump Him in the bad. He has gone through being tortured, mocked, beaten, spat upon... All for what?
I know our reactions to such depressing subject are among many different things:
-Starving yourself
-Cutting yourself
-Using drugs
-Thoughts of suicide (this was always mine)
-Major depression
Any number of things is our reaction to such deep, hard pain.
Take a look. What did God do? He had friends turn on Him, friends He had become so close to...He had friends deny they even knew Him! All of that, and He still loved them enough to willingly give His life. He chose to die a painful death to save the very ones that put Him on the cross.
He was used for His power, for His miracle or healing, for His teaching and countless other things...but He responded every time the same way: With love.
Do we truly care about God, or do we more often abuse the gift of such a magnificent relationship? Do we put our relationship with Him at the highest of all other priorities? Some people might say that is unfair to the other people in your life, that by doing that you will neglect everyone and everything else. This is so far from the truth and just an excuse to get away from God. When you put God above all else, when you put pleasing HIM above pleasing the world, the rest of the relationships in your life will blossom! Don't misunderstand me, you won't have a perfect life filled with butterflies and daisy' will still have trials and rough patches, but with God as your guide and light you can conquer anything. He is there for you. 24/7, 365. His shoulder is there to cry on, His wisdom is there for the taking when you need it, His strength is there when you feel you can't go on or things seem too hard, His hands are always open to receive all of the pain and brokenness you will turn over to Him.
He is our perfect example. To be a Christian is to be "Christ-like" and therefore means we are to model our lives, reactions, actions and lifestyle after Christ. We will not always succeed...but we can strive to be more like Him every day that we are blessed to wake up.
Do not tell God what He can do for you, but ask what you can do for Him.
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