Thursday, June 14, 2012

Choosing Love

He loves us enough to let us choose.

Freedom in Christ is one of the biggest differences we have from all other "religions" out there. All other man made gods require some kind of sacrifice or service. You have no choice but to do what they say; if you don't, you are punished. God, on the other hand, allows us to make our own decisions. He let's us choose whether or not we will follow Him, He let's us choose our reactions to situations, and let's us choose how we live our entire life. The difference? Because my God is love, if my choice is to follow Him it's because of what He did for me; not what I can do for Him. My reaction in return is automatically to obey what He said is the best way to live, because I trust Him so much and am so in debt to Him for GIVING me life, then SAVING it, I WANT to follow what He says! It is out of pure love.

Our freedom wasn't free. Just like the freedom in America and the price men and women paid so we could have what we have today. Our freedom came at a price. You think you're alive today by chance? You think you came to be by accident? Think again. There are no accidents. We were slaves to sin, and bought by a price to be set free. We do not have to love Christ; but we should. We can never pay Him back, but we can give our life over to Him and offer our love because of all He has done. Again, it is our choice...but, why would you not love someone who gave up their own life to save yours? It just doesn't make sense.

The thing is, Satan doesn't want us to follow God. He doesn't want us to receive His love, either. He will do all He can do mess with our heads; He will tempt people to make bad decisions...sometimes decisions that will harm us (physically,) hurt us (emotionally,) or scar us for awhile. Satan is never more evil than when He is carrying a bible. He isn't oblivious to what the bible says. He will take bad and make it look pleasant because He is the master of disguises and deceit. Our choice to follow what Christ says is not an easy one. It will not be a free ride to a perfect, care free life.

See, people are "brought into" Christianity being told they will have a wonderful care-free life. Sure, a life with Christ is full, but it was never promised to be free of sadness or problems.

We don't need more half hearted "religious" people wondering around doing nothing. We need people who have a relationship with Christ so deep that is glows from their life.

The thing is, most people who are in need of God aren't going to step foot into your church...or any church for that matter. We do not bring people to God, we bring God to the people. Having an unsaved person tag along with you to church doesn't mean that's what they need to bring them to Christ. There are a lot of people who were not raised around churches, so bringing them into a church all of a sudden won't do anything but confuse them. Our lives should be a light that shouts "Jesus." It is not public schools, liberal churches, or the government that will cause problems with our kids and families these days. Our lifestyles have consequences, no doubt about it, but just because some people have less conservative convictions than others doesn't mean they should be looked down upon.

The Spirit of God is about love, mercy and compassion. If we are to be a light in the world, we have to constantly, consistently, treat others as Christ did.

"Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd." -Matthew 9:36

Even Jesus had compassion on the lost He saw all around Him. He did not judge what they wore, how many piercings they had, how they spoke, or what they spent their time doing. He looked through eyes that saw hurting, blind people who were wandering in circles. But the thing is, He did not just pity them. Anyone can "feel sorry" for the lost; it's really easy. He was MOVED with compassion and ACTED upon it. He taught, proclaiming the gospel; He healed those who were wounded and diseased. He saw something that needed to be done and went to it. He didn't sit and list all the supplies He would need, how much time to schedule or how much money He might need to reach a certain group. He SAW and He ACTED.

Sometimes we want to reach as many people as possible in one sitting...which is not a bad thing! But if we won't ACT unless we have enough people to "make it worth the time" then we are completely missing the point. Sometimes there is just ONE person who needs to be reached; you or I taking 30, 20 or even 10 minutes out of our day to just sit and listen to someone who has no one else, someone who is going through a hard time, or maybe it's someone who is struggling with life in general...

"I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance." -Luke 15:7

People see Christians as those who give of their time when they get something out of it. How often have we given or volunteered because we would get our name in the paper or mentioned on TV or offered money for our services. How often do we truly give until it hurts? How many times have we assisted even when it wasn't convenient?

How many of us would truly give compassion if we would get nothing in return? No pat on the back, no "good job"...or possibly even some flack from people around us for giving so much of our time/money/resources to other people. How much would we be willing to give?

What about just living out God's love as our "voice" for the gospel? Do we only put on our "good boy/girl" act around other Christians, or do we make an effort to live, EVERY DAY, as though Christ Himself were standing with us?

Jesus has totally changed our lives. We should be so joyful that people we hang around should know without a doubt what we say we believe is not only true, but that we are able to live it out, not because we are "good," but because of our God.

Sin should disgust us, but the sinner should not. They are hurting people; humans; God's creation. Just like you.

Don't try to put a mask over your faults and personal struggles and problems. People see right through it. Never be afraid to open up and let people know you struggle too. Let them know you KNOW you're not perfect and that you do not think more of yourself than you do of THEM.

"By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." -John 13:35

If someone described you to another person as "love" and then they had to pick you out of a group based on your actions, would they be able to find you? They should. There should always be a visible difference between you and everyone else.

Do we live in such a way that people who don't know God see such a different kind of joy, peace and love in US that they want to know how they can have it, too? Or do we have to tell them what we think they should want? People should be asking you what's different about you! Do they see anything in you that they want to have?

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