Friday, August 20, 2010

Life: not so perfect.

Most people in this day and age who "become Christians" are told they'll have a great life. They're told they will be blessed with wealth, won't have any problems, or things will come easy. The thing is, if these people would do a little bit of research into the Bible, they'd see that God told people that, if they followed Him, they WOULD be persecuted, mocked, and possibly even be killed for taking Christ's name in our lives.

People don't understand that they NEED Christ, they're simply told they'll have a better life with Him, than without. Christians use this method, simply to add a number of people to their congregation, or another name on their "souls won for the Lord" list. Once someone is told to say a prayer to "receive a bountiful life" they believe it! There are so many other things out there that they've tried, so, why not this? If they don't like it, they can always ditch it like they have the others.

For people to understand that they NEED Christ, they MUST know "why." It's not to have a better life. It's not to get rich. It's not to make you feel good. People must be told they need Christ, because they've sinned against a Holy God; a God who is Righteous and Just. Alone, there will never be a way that fallen mankind can be good enough for such a God. THAT is when you tell, and remember how we can have a personal relationship with Christ. Because a loving Father died for the world, not just any world, but a fallen, sinful world.

THAT, is the good news of Christ. Not that everything will be perfect.
People buy into lies. The truth of God's word is becoming less and less powerful. It's like, taking pure tea concentrate, and diluting it over and over. Sooner or later, all you're going to have is water. If you don't keep the tea fresh in stock, and added to the water, your drink will become boring and bland. People will become uninterested.

More of the good news, however, is that even though we will have trials and hard times in our life, God has promised to NEVER leave us. Not for one single minute will you be alone; even when you think He seems so far away, He's right beside you. We're going to have problems and hard times, but His plan has never been to take them alone, we must put them in HIS hands, for, He is the only one that can heal the broken, fix problems, and bring peace.

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