Monday, August 23, 2010

Risk. Care. Dream. Expect.

"Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is
wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others
think is possible"

If we weren't to risk anything that people thought was dangerous, then we couldn't live for Christ. Doing that, we have strong possibilities of dying for Him, being beat, stoned, tortured. Risking everything for Christ, your family, people you love...or even something everyone else says will fail, but God is leading you to do it; always go where He leads you, even if it means risk.

Care for others more than anyone thinks you should. God cared more for us than we could EVER care for someone else. Even to care for people as much as we could, it wouldn't ever come close to how much Christ cared for us...even with us being rotten sinners. Why, then, should we not care for those around us, simply because they aren't as "good" or "righteous" as we THINK we are? There's no reason whatsoever. Just excuses.

Dreams aren't something that use up brain space, should make us stressed, or give us false hope. God gives people dreams. Not fairytale kind of dreams. But REAL dreams. The kind that are for happy, productive, helpful futures. Some dreams are as simple as wanting to build a house. Others might be to start a church in a foreign country. Who knows. But the thing to remember is this; never, ever, stop dreaming. Dream big, go past the sky!

People who set low expectations will always meet them. This is what you see in peoples lives everyday. Teachers don't expect much from their students. Parents don't expect much from their kids. Employers don't expect much from their employees. Even builders cut corners on large projects, doing the bare minimum so they don't have to do as much work. If you set your expectations high for yourself, and others, even if you don't reach it, as least you TRIED for more. Doing hard things is never easy. But as you do them more often, you start enjoying the feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment. It's amazing what expectations can do to a persons lifestyle.

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