There are so many things in life that get my attention.
To name just a few:
The "stuff" in life (clothes, food, decoration, cars, house, electronics, etc)
I often forget to spend most of my time on the most important thing of all; Christ.
There are many days I make to-do lists, get distracted after those are done, or do something I hadn't planned and my whole day was spent with no more than 15 minutes with God. I stand in awe of people's new cars or houses, get excited about new clothes but then when a topic of God comes up, my attention sways.
The bible is very clear on this matter. Our God IS a jealous God, and if we spend more time with anything other than Him He will not hesitate to take that away. If it's our family or friends, He will take them away. We say family is more important, He says "Ok, they say they can't do my work because they need "family time" so I will take their family." It might sound harsh, but it's very real. If making money is all I think about and spend my time trying to make more, He will have no problem keeping me from making anything and letting me lose all I DO have.
I was sitting here thinking on what to write about, and a song was playing on my computer that made me stop and think.
It's called "To God Alone" and it's by Aaron Shust:
"Can You take me by the hand? Can You use me as I am? Break me into who You want me to be. When the time is finally right, will You open up my eyes and show me everything You want me to see? This life is not my own.
To God alone be the Glory. To God alone be the praise. Everything I say and do,
let be all for You. The Glory is Yours alone. Yours alone.
We will rise and we will fall. But You remain after all. You're Glorious and Beautiful, You're Beautiful."
God has a specific plan for our life but not if we don't yield to Him and let Him work. It may be a hard life, and no, it won't be easy...but wouldn't we rather have something worth dying for than spending time with things that will fade away and are always making us want more but never being satisfied? If we want more of Christ, and search for it, we will always be filled. He IS all we need, contrary to what the world tells us.
What are you living for?
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