As I was sitting outside today bumping up some of my plants, I looked over at my poor pepper plants that are struggling to come up. I've kept them watered, all of the leaves and such that have been blown onto the seed trays cleared off, I've watched the amount of sun so they don't burn and tried to give them some shade as well. As I looked over today, I saw quite a few little plants trying to spring up from the dirt that has covered them for the last month and a half. They look weak and fragile, but they are doing their best to come through.
Soon after becoming a Christian, we experience many of the signs that a new plant has. We struggle so hard to get through our past, the things that have always covered us up. We try to watch what we let in our life so we can continue to grow, but it's very hard sometimes. We can get burned by what others say, and sometimes little problems and hardships float down on top of us and withhold our growing. But through it all the seeds that are good and strong will one day come out of that dirt, bloom, and produce something beautiful. Whether it be food or a flower. It's a beautiful thing.
Even after it's finally come through so many things, it will still have to battle the wind, sun, cold and rain. It will have to stay strong and well cared for to last and stay alive. Like plants, we will have these hard times. The devil will take anything good in our lives and try to twist it around to have us sin or simply to make us miserable.
I'm only human, I didn't create these seeds, nor give the sun to help them grow, but I can help my seeds grow by doing everything I can to protect them so they produce fruit. God can protect us from the very same things. I will still have hardships and rough times in my life, but my Creator loves me so much that He gave me living water that will help me grow, give me the "sunshine" I need to produce fruit in my life, but the only way I will ever be strong enough to make it through this life will be to ask God for His strength. You see, when bad things happen to me, it's either because I've sinned, or someone in the world has sinned and it affected me. I might wilt for a while, but God will come back to me and give me water and protection so I can keep growing.
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