Monday, February 17, 2014

The Power of Unconditional Love

Gods love doesn't require perfection. It doesn't require for us to have it all together. It doesn't even require us to always make the right choices. It simply requires us to come. The broken, alone, hurting, the ones with a "dirty" past; everyone can come before God, no matter their past or present.

Jesus stood up for the sinners. He loved them where they were. There was no condition to His love, because it was and has always been UNCONDITIONAL. 

How do we show Gods love today? Do we make other people think they have to be, live, act, dress, or talk a certain way for us to accept them? Do we show Gods love, or do we show the human nature love?

Do we judge before we even know, or do we learn to know so we don't need to judge?

Jesus said "he who is without sin cast the first stone", so I wonder, why do we go around throwing stones? Do we really think we are better than those who don't quite have it all together, or are we really just putting other people down so we lift ourselves up? 

So many questions...but I know the answer to them. I judge, love on conditions, don't show people the love of Jesus, think more highly of myself than others... But I ask myself now; do I even have the right? And my answer is no. 

I am a sinner in a world full of sinners. The bible says if we have broken one commandment it is as if we have broken them all. So what is stopping me from seeing that in the midst of my everyday judging people? 

Pride. I want to feel better about myself. Instead of going to my knees, I stick my nose in the air, acting as though I have made better choices than that girl, or that boy, or that husband/wife.

People make mistakes. *I* make mistakes. Everyday. I simply try hiding them under my Christian belt as if I deserve to be left alone from judging eyes. 

It's wrong. Christianity isn't about being better than everyone else, but that remembering we are all in this life together. Our job is to be there for one another, lift each other up, pray for one another, be there when they need someone....and always, ALWAYS, remind them how much God loves them. No matter what they're going through or how much you don't agree with it, once someone feels the love of God and that acceptance He gives, they will want to do everything they can to please Him. It isn't our job to make them perfect or fix the way they look or act. That is between them and God. 

The longer I allow myself to talk negatively about others and the choices they make, the way they live, and how they act...yes, sometimes I feel better about myself....but honestly it is just exhausting. Have you ever been there?
 I feel run down trying to control everyone's lives, and the negativity is quite a heavy load to carry. There are so many slap in the face moments in my life...this would be an important one. 

When we give way to love and let go of pride and judgement, we become happier, healthier, and exude joy in every area of our lives. 

I want to spread joy to others, not judgement. 

Will you join me?

2 comments: said...

i will join you. this is the second time i have read this post. so true and to-the-point. thank you for the honesty. have a great day and god bless. is all ok? have not seen a new post for some time.

Jessie said...

Thank you for the comment!
Yes things are going well. I have been thinking lately how much I miss writing. Life has just been crazy the last few months; good, but crazy.