Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Where Is Your Life Headed?

We hear about it on the news, read it on social media and in the papers, everyone we are around seems to have a little bit of it. It's taking over our lives, deteriorating our health, relationships, jobs, and finances, and we don't even see it. It's become so engrained in our lives, it's just an every day thing for us now. The more people we are around who are infected with it, the worse our condition becomes.


See, we have become so used to the sound of it, we don't even realize how badly it is affecting us.

Health- When we are overtaken by negative thoughts for so long, our bodies begin to wear down and break down. There is only so much of it our bodies can take. Those worthless feelings you have? The aches in the morning? The strange mood you've developed? It's not just age, y'all. This is part of the result of living a negative lifestyle. Now I'm not saying its only those of us who seem to be stressed, worried, fearful, and never have a positive thing to say. No, it can be complaints about anything in your life that's "not going right."

Relationships- Nobody ENJOYS being around someone who complains all the time. Even people who live that 24/7! When your friends/siblings/parents/
spouse/children are always having to listen to you complain about your work, aches, car, finances, or depressing life, those relationships will begin to crumble right there in front of you. How can we expect for things to get better if we keep doing the same old routine day in and day out?

Jobs- If you had a business, and you always heard 1 of your workers complaining, how long do you think you'd keep them? Probably not too long. Now, I am fully aware some people have horrible jobs. There are jobs out there that are so stressful, bosses who overwork you, underpay you, or are just downright degrading to you. I understand those feelings. I have been there before. It's not fun. I also understand that not everybody has the option of finding another job. But until your attitude changes, you will never find the perfect job, you will never be happy with your work no matter what it is.

Finances- The more desperate and hopeless we feel, the more we tend to throw in the towel. We have $10,000+ in debt?
-"Well, I have to have a new shirt for this birthday party coming up, what's $20 more going to do?"
-"I'm already as bad as I can get, and a candy bar and soda will make me feel better about it. What's $5 more going to hurt?"
See, it's the mindset that we have NO control over our situation, and responsibility for our own actions, that continually makes the situation worse.

Come on now, how many things really go wrong and keep us down that we truly have NO control over?

I have been noticing a huge increase in negativity in my own life the last few weeks. I feel like I'm fine, then I get this overwhelming feeling and just start to complain about everything. How I feel, paying my bills, people that have "irritated" me. The list could go on for awhile. But I've been stuck in this rut for weeks now, and it was until last night while I was reading a book that I was brought back to the truth. I have control over my actions, feelings, and words. I have CONTROL over my own life and how I react to everything that happens. I have chosen a negative mindset. Which has increased all of my negative feelings by 100.

You see, it's not that we are stuck in this lifestyle. That is both the sad and exciting thing about it! The sad thing is, we have let others convince us, and have convinced ourselves, that our life is stuck the way it is; that we have no control over how we are living or what happens to us. I'm here to tell you that is a bold faced lie.

A few bible verses to think about:

Jesus said:
"In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (‭John‬ ‭16‬:‭33‬ NKJV)

He never promises us, anywhere in the bible, that our life will be easy. As a matter of fact, He tells us over and over that it will be hard, we will be laughed at, mocked, tortured for His name... And I know hating your job or struggling financially may not fall under the "mocking" or "torture" category, however, I'm sure many of us feel tortured in those instances. Life isn't going to be hard just because we are followers of Christ, it will be bar because of SIN. And sin says being unhappy, negative, and depressed is okay.

Proverbs says:
"A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones." (‭Proverbs‬ ‭17‬:‭22‬ NKJV)

When we allow ourselves to live in a life filled with negativity, it will affect us down to our bones, and will literally begin to make us sick. But a merry heart (a joyFUL person) is like medicine! Jesus says we are the medicine we need! If we have Him living inside of us, we HAVE that ability to make a change in our lives. We HAVE something to be happy about. We HAVE someone who will listen to us, and help us through this life's journey. No, it will not always be easy. There will be days when we want to be downright grumpy about our situation and circumstances. But Jesus gives us the power to overcome the entire WORLD if we let Him come by our side and give us the strength we need.

So, we have a choice today. Where is your life heading? What's yours decision going to be? 

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