Wednesday, June 23, 2010

One Nation...Under God?

I find it amazing at how much our nation has changed. We were once a nation under God. Now everything is thought out according to "will this offend anyone at all?" You look at how people used to say "Merry Christmas." Now they just say "Happy holidays" so they won't 'happen' to offend someone by using a word with "Christ" in it. The military now allows homosexuals they won't "offend" them by saying they can't do something. People are afraid to express their objections because someone around them might believe something different, and you wouldn't possibly want to offend them!

I wonder, where has the "right and wrong" gone? It's not a matter of what people know is right and wrong nowadays, people simply say "everyone thinks of right and wrong differently, and people should be allowed to have their personal opinions on the matter"...according to the world now, we don't set a right and wrong, people decide for themselves what is "right" and what is "wrong." People read the constitution wrong to fit what they think it should mean, instead of what the writers intended. They've thrown the ten commandments out the window...thinking it will make them feel better about doing wrong, yet, that feeling of guilt will forever be with them, because God has written the law on the hearts of all men.

I try to think when we'll get fed up with all of it. We let it by so long, then one day when it's REALLY bad, we finally open our eyes, and our surroundings have been totally flipped from "good" to... sad. We tolerate, and we tolerate. You know, big problems come from small problems going undelt with. All these things that we see now, all these problems that are so "big"..if we would have taken the time to see them before, they could have been stopped before they got too far. Now we're suffering the consequences. Do we change? Of course not. That would take work, time...maybe even some sweat. We have become so lazy that we won't even stand up for what's right. Making money, buying extravagant things with that money, partying, having "fun," putting every hour of our day into getting a "good education," "getting away" and going to relax....have we put all of these things over keeping our freedom? Have we become to lazy and just, totally blind, that we think we can get everything, without having to do anything?

The question we really want a "Nation under God"? Or just a nation that will do everything for us? Do we want "freedom," or do we want to give that up because we're not willing to work for anything? Once we stop "doing"...that is the day we will lose our freedom. Our nation was set up so that the people would have a say in what happens, so we could worship, speak, work, and live freely. The minute we stop standing up for what's right, stop working, and letting things slide because we tell ourselves we couldn't do anything anyway...that, my friends, is the minute the government will gladly take over and slowly take away our freedoms.

We cannot just stand by and let everything go as it it now. We must stand up for ourselves...because, honestly, nobody else will.

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