Sunday, March 4, 2012

ONE Simple Way To Joy

I think back to the amount of time I spend doing certain things in my life; I ask myself "what have I spent most of my life thinking about?" In all honesty, I'm a girl, so most of it has been whether or not I'd get married and what the guy would be like if I were to find myself there. I've spent most of my life literally chasing after a guy I don't even know. And for what? To still be here alone and still not know who he is.

The verse constantly comes to mind "where your treasure is there will your heart be also." Yes, my heart is placed in the hands of a man I don't even know exists. I've been thinking a lot about this lately, and I've come to a big conclusion: My heart belongs to God. Or at least, it SHOULD. It was His the day I gave my life to Him, but handing it over to Him should be something I do every day. I can't just say it's His once and it be done. My heart is human and tends to wander. If you don't let God lead your heart, you will start to follow IT instead of HIM. Emotions are a dangerous thing and should always be taken to God before there is any kind of action.

I've listened to so many people for way too long on what true happiness actually means. It doesn't mean planning my life around someone only to be dumped, it doesn't mean dating as many guys as possible before I settle down, it doesn't mean having a job or moving out of my parents house; it doesn't mean going to party after party or trying new things as I get older just to have the "experience." None of these things can make a person truly happy. Sure, you might get some enjoyment at first, but it will only fade and you will long for more and more as time goes by.

To find happiness, as humans, we need something that will last and continue getting better as we grow. That "something" is what everyone looks for these days but seldom find it. Do you want to be honest with yourself, or make believe that you're really happy with how you're living? You and I need God. He is the only thing that can fill our life with pure, true, raw joy. It is joy that hasn't been twisted or conformed by man, it is untouched and beautiful. Finding "happiness" and finding "joy" are two completely different things. I can be happy for a short time here and there throughout my day, but when I am joyful it lasts and lasts. There is nothing that can take it away because it is not man made.

"You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures evermore. " -Psalm 16:11

"These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full." -John 15:11

"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance." James 1:2

Joy doesn't mean everything in our life is going perfect, but rather, with everything in our life we're trusting the ONE who is perfect! Christ is there, has already fought and won our battles. He has overcome the enemy and given us life that will never end. How can we not be joyful about that? I often think my life is hard because I have so many battles to fight, but it's because I'm allowing them to be battles. I find things that I create into a battle in my mind when in reality if I would hand all of those things over to God, He would tell me that it is all taken care of. Bad things will happen, but He promises He will not forget us. *I* should not have battles but, should I encounter something I think might be one, I hand it straight over to CHRIST. For He is the only One who has the power to win them.

My life is not about me, my future man, my family, my goals or my friends. It is about HIS life, HIS plan for a man, HIS future, HIS goals, HIS family, and HIS friends. The minute I realize it's not about ME, only HIM, the other parts of my life will start to fall into the correct slots. I will begin to find a deeper meaning in my life, deeper relationships with my family and friends, my future will change because my outlook has changed; I will focus on honoring and pleasing HIM.

After all of that, HE will give me joy. Once I begin to desire HIM over me I become filled with joy. His love for us is so deep, so pure that is should cause us to be filled with such a huge amount of joy that it's overwhelming.

"I am pleased with you, my child. Though you are till a work in progress, you desire for Me to sanctify you- to make you holy. My sacrifice for sins made you eternally perfect the instant you trusted Me as Savior. This sacrifice was perfect because I am perfect and I am your Substitute in the courts of heaven. However, as long as you live in this world, you inhabit the not yet of brokenness- in you and all around you. This explains the emptiness you often feel as you long for both your perfection in holiness and your perfect home in heaven.
The best way to enhance My sanctifying work in you is to love Me with all your heart and mind- with your entire being and all your might. King David expressed such ardor when he leapt and danced before Me with all his might. In spite of the serious sins he committed, he was a man after My own heart.
Instead of focusing on all the brokenness in and around you, fan the flames of your love for Me. Though this love may be like the flickering flame of a candle, My Love for you is like a blazing forest fire. Come more and more into My passionate Presence, and My holy Fire will ignite holy ardor in you." -Sarah Young

"Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation." -1 Peter 4:12-13

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