Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Think Before You Dress


Thinking of other people when you are dressing.

This is not the true definition of the word, but it is what I like to think of when I choose what I'm going to wear. Now, I'm not saying everyone should go by what I say when it comes to clothes; everyone has their own convictions and that is their choice to make. I just thought I might talk a little about why I dress the way I do.

See, people (mainly women) have a very strong power over mens minds that I don't think they think about very often. They say men should just watch their mind and not let it wander to places it shouldn't go. But my view on this is quite different.

Because of the sin nature that has been in place very clearly for thousands of years since Adam and Eve, the mind is a very dangerous place. The mind of a man will think things before the man even realizes it. Yes, to a point men can certainly "help it" at times and guard their mind to not allow it to go certain places, but I truly believe it is a womens job to not tempt their minds or prey on their weak imaginations.
That is not saying men are weak, quite the contrary, but the mind of a man is quite weak to a point in certain areas.

As a women, I have the choice to allow men to have certain thoughts about me. Letting specific areas on my body show or "hang out" could be the difference between a man staying true to his wife or having impure thoughts.

Think of it this way; if you had/have a young daughter (e.i. 12-15 yrs old), there are certainly things you would and wouldn't allow her to wear. Why is that? Most of the time I don't think it is because they would "look too old" but because there are things girls that young shouldn't be wearing for safety sake.

Wearing dresses others can see all the way up when we bend over, letting your bottom hang out from your shorts, being able to see all the way down our shirt to our toes when we bend over. The sights that such brings are ones that get mens minds to rolling in ways I don't think many women would be comfortable with.

Just as you would protect your young daughters against "showing off" certain areas, so should we as adults watch what we are showing.

Now, I realize there are many people out there much more conservative than I am, and I am not trying to tell them to live like me, nor am I trying to get the more liberal women to be more conservative to become like my standards. I am simply writing what I have had on my heart for awhile.

Women, if every thought that went through a mans mind when you dressed suggestively was spoken out loud, do you think you would be embarrassed? Are there not thoughts and desires you wish only your husband to have?

The world we live in today revolves around showing off womens bodies in so many vulgar ways it makes me sick. However, because "everyone" is doing it, women think men will just see it as "normal". This is not the case at all! No matter how times men see immodest women, they will always want to stare; sinful thoughts will ALWAYS race through their mind. Dances, songs, TV shows, live performances, movies, jokes....everything these days is starting to be based on sex. To have those thoughts drive through the minds of the people and make them accept it as being okay, when it is very wrong.When the people no longer have morals, we then become like Sodom and Gomorrah....we no are no longer a Godly people, a nation based on God...but a nation that is becoming like a city that God had wiped out because of their filthy lifestyle.

We have the power to protect mens minds, and yes, whereas I think bikinis are very cute, and those tiny dresses could show off some nice curves, I have chosen against such things for one reason: I have certain parts of me that I want to save for my husbands eyes ONLY. I want certain thoughts going through my husbands head ONLY. And whereas I know I cannot stop every man I come in contact with to keep a pure mind around me, I know there are many things I can do to help the matter.

Being modest doesn't mean you have to give up having cute clothes, being in style, or even only wearing dresses and skirts all the time! It simply means you think before you dress. Ask your husband/father what would go through a mans mind if he were to see you in _______. There will be things someday I will wear around my husband only, but thoughts going through a mans head that you are married to is okay! He has the right to think you look amazing, to touch you, etc. But these are thoughts I want him, and ONLY him, to have.

I am no picture of perfection in this area, there are times I probably don't make the best dress choices, things I've regretted doing, wearing, saying...but the most important thing is to learn from mistakes, learn from pain and hurt, learn from the lessons you've been taught and simply MOVE ON. Do not live in the past, do not live with regret....simply be better. 

Ladies, lets do men a favor, help them out a little. We have the power to make a difference, let us not waste it.

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