Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Searching For Joy

Take notice of the blessings in your everyday life. Really, look around you. What do you see?

I run, rush, stress, and worry through every day. Wondering if things will ever slow down, if they will ever be less complicated.

Through a series of events and several desperately needed books, I am finally learning to take life a little slower, stop and enjoy the small things, and pray more when my head is filled with worrisome thoughts. 

I think the life we all live is so stressful because we tend to rush right past prayer. It seems like we only pray and give thanks when something really bad is happening, or something amazing has just happened. It is so easy to forget to be thankful during our everyday life; not only that but to be VERBAL when thanking Jesus for all of those things He sends.

I still have freak out moments, I still struggle with self criticism, still get a head full of Satans lies on a daily basis. But I think those things will always be there. It is not about having a perfect life without struggles, but having a perfect Savior who calms and helps us overcome when those things happen. 

When Satan says "you are not enough" Jesus says "you are more than enough". When Satan says "you will never overcome this" Jesus says "I have already overcome this". When Satan says "they do not think very highly of you" Jesus says "I treasure you more than the worth of all the precious  jewels in the world". When Satan says "you won't ever get past this" Jesus says  "I will walk with you and be your strength".

For every lie Satan has, Jesus has a truth that is infinitely more powerful. 

The sunsets, the promise of a new day, flowers blooming, the ability to work, spend time with friends and family; our health, the freedom we have to go to church, the sound of birds singing, the stars sparkling in the night sky, children's laughter, having a coat when it's cold, shoes on our feet, and people who love us.

Even when we have a hundred things that have gone wrong during our day,  we can always find the same number of things that have gone right or that we can be thankful for. 

This is my journey. Ever treading along new paths, taking a glance at small things that I have been given. The amount of joy one can receive from any given day is endless. We simply have to be willing to look. 

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