Saturday, March 13, 2010

Blessings and growing

You know, each new day I learn something new. I have at LEAST one new thing to be thankful for. I grow a little bit more. God sends things my way that I never would have believe I could deserve. He does all this, even when He knows who I am and what I've done.

This past year, well, it has been one of the best I've ever had. God has blessed me with some very special friends. One of which, has gently pushed me and helped me break down walls I've had built for SO long. Most of my life, really. That non existent self esteem? Well, it's existent now, not high, but it's on it's way up there. God has taught me SO much, through my amazing friend. It's funny, how He can use someone I never even thought I'd talk to, not to mention become great friends with, to be such a blessing in my life. With simple acts of kindness, they're making me re think the way I live, react to situations and people...I've got a whole new positive outlook on life. It was as if my eyes had been closed to be happy. I've always known God loved me, and, my family said they loved me (though I always doubted it for some reason)....but, now I truly believe with all I am that God didn't mess up when He made me. That people do love me. That I AM a special creation. I wasn't made as junk.

God....just gives us SO much we don't deserve. All these years I thought my family needed to change to make things go more smooth, it was I, not them, that needed the changing. The heart renovation. And what a renovation it has been. I enjoy being around my family more than ever. I LOVE playing with my siblings. Being crazy weird with them, listening to what they have to's amazing what one change in an outlook can do for a person.

I'm learning patience, deeper faith with things that happen in my life, I'm letting go of things and not being so stubborn, and, I even have a deeper relationship with my awesome God. People don't think about it, but God sends blessings in SO many ways. It doesn't have to be a friend. It could be a stranger doing a simple thing for you, it could be a boss showing an act of kindness....everything in our life was sent by God. Whether to help us grow, or to break us.

There will never be words to express the thanks and love I have for everything Christ has given me., But, I CAN keep praising Him, thanking Him, and having faith in Him even when things aren't going the way I want.

My friends, don't let a day go by that you don't tell these special people how much they mean to you. I'm afraid I let too many days pass me up before I even thank God for them. I may not have another day.....I may not have another minute. If you, or I, died right now, HOW many things would you regret not doing? How many people have you not thanked, told they're a blessing? I hope it wouldn't be very many, if any.

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