Thursday, December 23, 2010


As Christmas draws closer and closer...the stress of gifts and money...rushing around shopping, baking, and pushing through the crowds, I think we should try even harder to remember Christ as the center of this holiday.

It has become so easy for me to get stressed out about everything I still have to do before Christmas that I lose sight of the reason I celebrate this holiday in the first place! It's about Christ, and the ultimate gift He gave It's not about the Christmas tree, ornaments, lights, candy and food; it's not about the reactions people will get for giving big expensive gifts or even about the gifts period. It's about Christ.

As these last few days come to an end before our special Christmas day...we need to keep in mind why we say "merry Christmas" and not "happy holidays." Keep "Christ" in "Christmas"....literally. He should always be our focus...not ourselves and what we want.

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