Sunday, December 19, 2010

To live a life for Christ

A lot of people, myself included, think bringing people to Christ is their a matter of fact, I've probably written about it. lol It's one of those "hard" things we have to do but rarely do we give it any heart. I think it's because I put so much emphasis on "me."

You see, it's not Jessica who is bringing these people to Christ; it's not Jessica who is the one to look to or the one to follow after. It's all supposed to be about Christ. NOT us. You don't go plan a speech for an unsaved person. God hasn't made witnessing THAT hard. We're supposed to show CHRIST; HIS love, and HIS character. We are simply the messenger giving the message to the people. God will give us the words we need at the perfect time. We constantly want things to come together in our own time because, you see, we have plans and schedules to work around. I think if we would simply leave our lives open enough where God can take us on a different path, then things would be considerably less stressful for us.

You see, when we try to do everything in our own power, we fail at it all miserably. Only with the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, can we do anything at all. We couldn't even breathe if it weren't for Him! We should live our lives as though we're just a body for Christ to work in and through...because, that's really what we are. We're God's creation, and we are to live for Him.

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