Thursday, July 14, 2011

Faith, Trust, Belief.

"What are you going to do when your time has come, and your life is done and there's nothing you can stand on? What will you have to say at the judgment throne?
There's nothing I can do on my own to find forgiveness, It's by His grace alone I trust in Jesus, trust in Jesus."
("Trust in Jesus" by: Casting Crowns)

Nothing we do on our own can get us to heaven. Not even trying to be a "good" person. It's just that simple. Because we are part of this fallen world, we's our nature. We NEED Christ. Period.

Going against the flow, trusting in someone we've never seen, some people might call us freaks, a little crazy, or possibly out of our mind. But think about this. Everything you see has a creator. A building had to have an architect to design it, and a builder to build it. A cell phone had to have someone deign and build it, same as a car, road, clothes, etc, etc, etc. Now look at the world. The stars, planets, trees...humans. There's not even a slight possibility it could have been an accident for all of this to come into being. It was *created*. We were specifically designed by God, for God, in the image of God. He spoke a single word and the trees came into being. He said "let there be light" and the sun appeared. People who believe in evolution simply put their faith in the scientists and what they say (which in my opinion is even more difficult to believe since they never have any facts, just talk in circles) just as we put our faith in God. Both of these beliefs require faith yet people choose to believe they were just an accident. People would rather believe that something exploded than to believe that someone actually created them on PURPOSE...and I just don't understand that; I suppose I never will.

Wouldn't you like to know you were designed by someone who loves you, given life and breath by someone who is so powerful He could speak a word and the earth was here? It sure gives me a lot of peace. We must TRUST, have FAITH, and BELIEVE all Jesus said He did. If you don't already beleive on Him, then you're life has no meaning. You will always be empty, trying everything you can to fill a void in your life...but until you have received Christ, you will never know the true meaning of "love", "peace", "hope" and "mercy". You will never feel like you are good enough, no matter what kind of show you put on. You will never have a true purpose in life without Christ. He is there for the taking...all you have to do is believe.

So today, those of us who already have Christ, let us again trust God with everything in our life. Things we have been hanging onto trying to fix on our own, things we've been worrying about, situations we feel are out of control...if you believe in God, you MUST believe He can do anything He wants. He can and will work miracles.

People, prayer is an AMAZING tool! It's a direct line to Jesus Christ that we can use every single day. We can come to Him any time we need Him or have a problem, and He is there for us.

- When a believing person prays great things happen. -- James 5: 16

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