Friday, January 13, 2012



I speak of it as if I know what it truly means.


I say I act it, though I trample over it when hard times come.


I give what I think is love so easily, and take it back just as quick.


What do I really know about it? That I am loved by the One True God? Or that some Infinite Being I can't even see told a bunch of His friends to write down in a book about all the ways He loves me? But I don't see why I need it, do I? I see myself as better than the next person, right?


The emotion, feeling and gift to be able to give everything away for the one person you care for. Maybe, to give your life away for a friend. The ultimate gift of love.

It's easy for me to receive love. "Just drink it in, Jessie. You always say you've had a rough life." It's cruel letting Satan get so much in my head that I actually begin to feel sorry for myself, that I can actually forget all about love because I'm rolling in my own self-pity.

How many times,exactly, will I give up on love? Not just receiving it, that's the easy part, but giving it away so freely that I'm like a machine who has not been programed for stopping. Love should be a movement that never ends! I have the Father of all there is inside my heart. It should be glowing, beaming, shining forth with love, whether I think the people around me deserve it or not.

How often have I snatched up my love from another person because they have teased me, mocked me, told lies about me or condemned me with their words? I give up. I say "no more. I will not keep trying to give love to someone so unlovable. How many times do I have to show love to them, only to have them put a hand up in my face to silence me?"


He loves all. He gave for all.


Everyone in the world. Every human on the face of this earth.

I am unlovable. Yet, God has loved me since before I was born; since the beginning of time. He knew He would have to give His life to prove His love, giving it as a willing sacrifice. For who? The very one who put Him on the cross to die. Me.


A sinful, dirty, weak, hateful creature. If it were all up to me, I wouldn't love anyone. My heart is deceitful. It doesn't want to give anything away. The heart I was born with is filthy and selfish.


The miracle of all miracles. Through Christ, my heart and my entire life has been made new! He not only loved me, but He transformed my life into something beautiful. But it is not me. *I* am not beautiful. Any beauty anyone sees is all Jesus. Often times Satan is able to get to my ears; he whispers lies of despair, blame, regret and depression and people will see a lot less HIM and a lot more ME. To keep from holding back love, I have to constantly look to the Lord; I have to make sure I never turn my eyes from Him. This is quite easily said; doing it is a whole other story. Lies can overpower the truth often times, and in those times it is even more important that I keep my eyes on Jesus. Satan will use every bad day, every negative thought or depressing mood to throw it back in my face and tell me how hopeless I am. At that point, I simply have to trust that when Jesus died, He truly died for ME, however ugly I might seem.

I have this one thought that has come to mind a lot throughout my life. If I were to find out I had a deadly disease, like unbeatable cancer, would I live my life any differently? Would I love more and criticize less; would I go for things without thinking about how scared I was; would I go to those who have hurt me and say "I forgive you" even though it has not been asked?

What would you do differently?

We have one life to live here on this earth. What are we doing to make the most of it?

John 3:16
For God (the greatest giver) so loved (the greatest motive) the world (the greatest need) that He have (the greatest act) His only begotten Son (the greatest gift) that whoever (the greatest invitation) believes in Him (the greatest foundation) should not perish (the greatest salvation) but have (the greatest assurance) everlasting life (the greatest possession.)

It's simple. God is love. Love should rule our lives, hearts, actions, thoughts and deeds. Nothing less will do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well put, Jessie, and a good reminder to all of us to love as Jesus loved.