Friday, December 21, 2012

Decay Of Families

Let's stop with Christmas here for a few minutes. Don't think about gifts, food, parties or "to do" lists.
We're going to have a little talk about families (yes, even the dysfunctional ones.)

What are your ideas on why our nation is falling apart?  Do you really believe it's because of the politicians? Let's stop thinking about them for a little while. Totally block them from your mind.

Since the beginning of time, families falling apart has caused a multitude of problems. When God created Adam and Eve they "became one". They were our modern day "marriage" and even when Cain killed Abel, they didn't separate because of hard times. Husband, wife and kids weren't just a random idea God had. Families were made to be the glue of the earth.

You see, when families begin to fall apart so will the church, when the church begins to fall apart, so will the cities, when the cities begin to fall apart...well, you get the point. Our nation is falling apart because the term "family" is no longer of value.

Young girls get pregnant at age 12 either by corrupt men, or because they find someone who they think truly cares for them...only to be left and the world says getting rid of the child becomes their only option. This, all from families not being able to love each other.
Young teens go have sex for the fun of it; because as they see it, the rest of the world says it is okay to do before marriage. "It's no big deal; everyone has done it" they say.
Husbands and wives are basically just "try outs" for people who think they MIGHT have feelings for one another...because they saw "fireworks" one time. They give marriage a try and if it doesn't seem to make them fairy tale happy, they just run down to the court and get a divorce. No big deal right? WRONG.

Why do you think young people these days don't take marriage seriously? Be honest with yourself. How can you tell your child when you make the promise to your spouse and to GOD you must keep it....but not do so yourself? I know for a fact, every parents wants the person their son/daughter marries to love them unconditionally and stay with them through thick and thin....but how can they when they aren't given that example?
Now, I have said many times before. I do not agree with divorce. But I also do not want to come across as degrading or judging those who have done so. That is the past, and though I don't believe it's right, me going and shoving my opinions down separated couples throats not only won't do any good, it is not Christ-like whatsoever.

Christ-like. Do we remember what that is supposed to mean? Does it mean saying whatever you want to someone, just because you know you're right? Does it mean laughing at others faults, mistakes and differences?

To be a "Christian" is to be "Christ-like." And Christ was NEVER in your face, He never laughed at sin, He never put other people down. He spoke the truth, but in a LOVING way.

You see, Christianity today is a place where millions of people call each other "brother" and "sister" but go behind one anothers back talking, gossiping, and degrading them for differences.

-Pride: "The highway of the upright is to depart from evil; He who watches his way preserves his life. Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before stumbling.It is better to be humble in spirit with the lowly Than to divide the spoil with the proud." -Proverb 16:17-19
"In pride the wicked hotly pursue the afflicted; Let them be caught in the plots which they have devised." -Psalm 10:2

-Greed: "For the wicked boasts of his heart’s desire, And the greedy man curses and spurns the LORD." -Psalm 10:3 “For from the least of them even to the greatest of them, Everyone is greedy for gain, And from the prophet even to the priest Everyone deals falsely." -Jeremiah 6:13

-Anger: "He who is slow to anger has great understanding, But he who is quick-tempered exalts folly." -Proverbs 13:29 "A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger." -Proverbs 15:1
"A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, But the slow to anger calms a dispute." -Proverbs 15:18

 -Forgiveness: "How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered!" -Psalm 32:1 "Then Peter came and said to Him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven. " -Matthew 18:21

Marriages fall apart because families don't care anymore. People have become greedy, filled with pride and have such anger over every little thing that relationships are going down in flames. Forgiveness is a thing of the past and everyone holds a grudge. Of course our families are falling apart! It goes 'round and 'round. When the family falls apart the church falls apart, and because the church falls apart it continues to decay what families are.When the church stops teaching what God's word says because it is filled with pastors full of fear of losing their jobs because they are teaching the know we're in big trouble.

We need men and women who stand up for the truth of God's word.

When we see things falling apart and we just brush it off as "times changing", my friends, that is when we are in the deepest trouble. Times change, God and the meaning of His word never will. We must still stand for truth and morality even when the world says certain things are okay.

Please, please take your family seriously. Take your MARRIAGE seriously. Remember, the promise you made on the day you were married was not only to your spouse, but to GOD as well.
Teach your kids what the bible says so they can have the truth they need to stand strong when the world tries to steal them away.

Even more liberal Christians know it is crucial to follow God's word, because it is how we are to survive.
I have been called liberal by some people, and legalistic by others. But I know I live the way I do because I feel it is where God leads me. Not to say I always get everything right or react to situations like I should.
But I will tell you this, no longer will I allow people to tell me I should change who I am. It is not man who has the power to raise the dead; but my GOD can. Man cannot harm me or take away my faith. I stand my ground; telling everyone I will not conform to what they want me to be. I am who God made me to be; I am me, and I was beautifully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14.)

Parents. love your children openly and OFTEN. Children, talk to your parents when you are going through hard times, husbands/wives, forgive often; remember what Christ forgave YOU for, and what He DID for you to give you life.

No matter what you're going through. Whether it be hard times with your parents, kids, spouse, friends or church; remember that God is the ONE person you should be striving to please. When you do that, you will be amazed at how many areas of your life will begin to heal. 

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