Monday, February 11, 2013

The Decay Of Relationships

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed how all of our "social networks" have begun making us less social? When out in public, instead of noticing the people around us, saying hi or smiling, we are looking down with our face glued to our phones.

I know. People who know me know I, of all people, have absolutely no room to talk. I normally post on Facebook at least 15 times a day. And I have certainly not been the poster child for positive posts. But lately I've noticed the more I actually browse through the news feed, the more depressed or irritated I become (absolutely nothing against my friends, btw!)

I have learned a few things about the subject of my posts. There are just some things we don't need to post for the world to see.

Here are just a few things to think about when sharing your life with the whole world:

1. Is what you're about to post uplifting?
(i.e. "People just need to leave me alone!")

2. Will your post cause unnecessary drama?
(i.e "I hate it when my parents get all in my face and try to rule my life!")

3. Does your post have the potential start an argument that will end in you getting defensive/offensive?
(i.e. "All you people out there need to just leave the government alone and let them do their job."

4. Are you willing to answer the questions people are bound to ask?
(i.e. Sometimes, I just wish people could accept me for who I am and not talk about me behind my back.")

5. Though you may be going through a rough time with your family, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, your problems do not need to be of public knowledge. It is unnecessary, and we often become degrading towards that person in front of hundreds of people (which in turn, causes gossip and ruined relationships.)
(i.e. "Why does my ______ have to treat me like this? I can't take it anymore. I'm done.")

6. Is there any meaning in what you're about to post, or are you wasting 3 minutes of your day to share a status nobody cares about?
(i.e "I just ate a hamburger!")

Now, I'm not saying don't ever post anything on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Flickr/MySpace. But if we would use these tools more of an encourager than a DIScourager, I think we would be amazed at how happier our lives would be. I think these networks have begun to replace a vital relationship in our lives. Our relationship with Jesus. We don't go to Him in prayer anymore, because we can just post our problems on Facebook for everyone to see; and of course, we will get PLENTY of feedback from our friends and their "wisdom".

When it comes to personal problems, if you want some of your friends to pray for you, or hear some encouragement, just send a text/personal message to them to ask. Or even better, give them a call! Talk to someone about what you're going through, don't post it on the internet where you can't take it back.

One thing to ask yourself: If people were to describe me ONLY based on what I post on Facebook, what would they say about me?
Are you the drama queen? The man/woman who hates their marriage and doesn't mind degrading their spouse in front of hundreds of people? The one who can't trust God? The friend who talks down about others behind their back? The mom who is never happy? The husband who can't wait to get out of the house? The boyfriend/girlfriend who can't ever be made happy?

What do people say about you?

See, you might think your "mistake" post can be deleted, but by the time you regret posting something and go remove it, hundreds of people have already seen it, and it will always be floating out there for someone to dig up someday. We think just because we don't have to say things to someone's face, we have the freedom to say whatever we want. That is the furthest thing from the truth. We should treat our social networks as outreaches for Christ, not gossip chains and drama chat rooms.

My goal lately has been to not share every time I don't feel well or have a bad day. I don't have to let everyone know what all I ate for lunch. Nobody needs to know when I'm having relationship issues (doesn't matter if it's family/friends, etc). My opinion about certain topics is just that; my opinion. If I post something that is confrontational, I better not get upset when people comment and have an opinion contrary to my own. If I know for a fact it will start an argument, then I better think twice before posting it.

All of that to say, I've learned I have so much more time to work on the PERSONAL relationships around me when I'm less worried about keeping everyone updated on what I had for snack or that I just had to fill up my car and how much it cost me. I love that I can keep in touch with family and friends who don't live near me, but honestly, they don't need to know that kind of thing.

Think before you post. Build relationships with people face to face. I guarantee you will see results, and be happy with the results you get! It is time we bring "being social" back to real life.

"Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established." (Proverbs: 16:3 NASB)

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