Thursday, October 6, 2011


Through blogs I've read and several stories I've heard within the past week, social networks have been on my mind a lot lately. One question continues to float through my mind: What is the best way to utilize such a thing?

Most people use it as a place to tell what is going on in their life, when they're bored, stories of klutz moments, things their kids, nieces/nephews, grand-kids, etc do or say that is just too cute to not post; some use it as a way to stay connected with family or friends who they rarely see, while others use it to tell their stories of woe, their break-ups, about so called "jerks" in their life, family/friend issues etc. Taking "social network" into a whole other direction as they spill hurtful and sometimes hateful things of other people all over their profile. The list goes on for ages. Stop and think for a minute. We are told in the bible to teach the gospel to all nations. There's hardly a better way to do so than to use a social networking site that spreads stuff within seconds to thousands of people! Do we use it for this cause, though? Most people, unfortunately dont. There are those rare few who constantly post encouragement, joy, love for their Lord and the people around them. They keep in touch and let others know they're praying for them and show, with just a few words, a positive side of life.

Now, I will not judge any person on any of these motives for the internet use. I have used Facebook or Twitter in the wrong way more times than I care to count. But as it keeps coming back to me, I keep asking God "Is there not a better way?" I ask myself "Is this really uplifting? Am I really portraying Jesus, or "Jessie?" In no way does this mean all you can put are bible verses or quotes by great Christian legends. No, no. Not at all the point. I have simply noticed, even more so lately, the amount of negativity that is spread all over the internet. It's very saddening to see such a blessing used in such a negative way. Whether you're friends on Facebook with everyone you know or just a certain few picked out, it really doesn't matter, the choice is yours who you choose to add. It's not like you're shunning friends or family. Really. But let me be clear, just because you're not friends with someone doesn't give you the right to post something about them (even if you say no name or give no major hints of who it is.)

So many times I have shared something with a motive behind my seemingly innocent post. If I was having a hard time with anyone/anything in my life, I'd look up a quote or bible verse that would help me, then put it on Facebook so the other person would see it and hopefully "take it to heart" too. I'm ashamed to say I stooped that low. The past 7-8 months, though, I have tried to be careful, even overly so in some ways, to make sure nothing I say has any kind of hidden meaning. I do not want to be one who says one thing to a persons face and does a totally different thing when they've turned their backs. No, with God's help I pray I will not fall that far. Though I fail every passing week, I know I can learn and undo my habits.

Many people use these social networks as a shield. Giving them the perfect opportunity to say whatever they wish to someone, since they don't have to look at their face or in their eyes. They comment hurtful things which would never leave their mouth would they have been talking face to face with the other person.

Why do we not use these things as they were intended? At least, what they should have been intended. Encouraging one another. Keeping in touch, letting those we love know we're there for them, praying for them. Telling other people how good our life is because when we woke up, we were still breathing, not how bad it is because our neighbor had a late night party.

Never will such a network be perfect, nor will the people connected to it be such. Hiding behind a keyboard can give one such a huge amount of courage to say things...Satan can use it as a tool to bitter one's heart, turn one's mind to a certain topic and can even damage relationships.

Why are we not spreading God's word and love to those we're friends with, instead of drama and break-up stories?

It's time to get connected. Literally. Connect yourself with the One who gave you life and in return He will help you connect with other people in a better way, speak (or more, "type") with a kinder heart, and listen ("read") without putting our two cents worth in.

Are you connected to the ultimate network?

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